3 langues concernées

02028Nilo-Saharien > Kunama > kunama   (kun)
NomsCunama ; Kunama ; Kunama (Barka) ; cunama

22 titres trouvés

[1068]   Ashkaba, John Abraha (1999) : Prerequisites for a Kunama-English dictionary
[1067]   Ashkaba, John Abraha & Richard J. Hayward (1999) : Illustrations of the IPA: Kunama
[1098]   Aster Zewdie (1981) : Kunama phonology
[2096]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1996) : Kunama
[2111]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (2001) : English-Kunama lexicon
[3096]   Böhm, Gerhard (1984) : Grammatik der Kunama-Sprache
[3103]   Böhm, Gerhard (1987) : Diskussionsbeitrag zu Reinischs Werk über das Kunama: einige Beobachtungen zum Bau des Prädikats
[3373]   Brutawit Fekade Selassie (1984) : A contrastive analysis of Kunama and Amharic segmental phonemes
[4462]   Connell, Bruce A. , Richard J. Hayward & John Abraha Ashkaba (2000) : Observations of Kunama tone (Barka dialect)
[6543]   Fermo, Giuseppe da (1938) : Grammatica della lingua cunama
[6544]   Fermo, Giuseppe da (1950) : Cunama àura-bucià
[7780]   Grottanelli, Vinigi L. & Claudia Massari (1943) : Missione di studio al lago Tana, 6: i Baria, i Cunama e i Beni Amer
[9549]   Idris Nikodimos (1987) : The Kunama and their language
[9550]   Idris Nikodimos (1999) : Sentence structure of Kunama
[13595]   Mekuria Seyoum (1983) : The morphophonemics of Kunama nouns and adjectives
[13668]   Meseret Tesfaye Abebe (1983) : Kunama (Marda) verb inflections
[14518]   Mukarovsky, Hans Guenter (1987) : Zur Reinischs Werk über das Kunama
[19627]   Thompson, E. David (1983) : Kunama: phonology and noun phrase
[19628]   Thompson, E. David (1989) : Kunama verb phrase
[19669]   Tifshet Lemma (1982) : Noun morphology of Kunama
[21735]   Zappa, Giuseppe Castelnuova del (1938) : Grammatica della lingua cunama, Asmara
[21736]   Zappa, Giuseppe Castelnuova del (1950) : Vocabolario della lingua cunama