3 langues concernées

01994Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Nilotique > jur luo (luwo)   (lwo)
NomsDhwe Luwo ; Giur ; Jur-Luo ; Luo ; Luwo ; Lwoo ; giur

12 titres trouvés

[3274]   Briani, Gaetano (1953) : Dizzionario giur, italiano, inglese
[3538]   Buth, Randall (1981) : The twenty vowels of Dhwe Luwo (Jur Luo, Sudan)
[3539]   Buth, Randall (1981) : Ergative word order: Luwo is OVS
[17835]   Santandrea, Stefano (1946) : Grammatichetta Giur
[17844]   Santandrea, Stefano (1967) : Nomenclatura di parentela in Luo e Ndogo, Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan)
[17848]   Santandrea, Stefano (1977) : Jur-Luo texts and comments: the family
[19160]   Storch, Anne (2003) : Dynamics of interacting populations: language contact in the Lwoo languages of Bahr el-Ghazal
[24977]   Storch, Anne (2006) : Aspect and Evidentiality in Luwo
[26796]   Storch, Anne (2014) : Counting chickens in Luwo
[26799]   Storch, Anne (2014) : A Grammar of Luwo - An anthropological approach
[26801]   Storch, Anne (2010) : Morphosyntax of Luwo
[24812]   von Heyking, Beatrix & Anne Storch (2007) : Motion in Northern Lwoo: Luwo and Boor comparative case studies