3 langues concernées

01949Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Surmique > longarim (narim)   (loh)
NomsBoya ; Laarim ; Narim

4 titres trouvés

[6945]   Fukui, Katsuyoshi (1986) : The cognition of nature through colours and patterns: from the cases of the Narim in southern Sudan
[12272]   Lokonobei, Lino Locek & Nicky de Jong (1989) : On the position of Boya in relation to Murle and Didinga
[26364]   Lopeyok Joseph, Clement, compiler; Tim Stirtz, facilitator (2010) : Laarim-English Dictionary
[26143]   Stirtz, Timothy M. (2012) : Polar Tone of Laarim, a Surmic Language of Sudan