3 langues concernées

01817Afro-Asiatique > Couchitique > Sud > dahalo   (dal)

12 titres trouvés

[6048]   Ehret, Christopher , Edward Derek Elderkin & Derek Nurse (1989) : Dahalo lexis and its sources
[6103]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1972) : The verb in Dahalo
[6104]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1973) : Dahalo wordlist
[6105]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1974) : The phonology of the syllable and the morphology of the word in Dahalo
[12647]   Maddieson, Ian , S. Spajic , Bonny [Eva] Sands & Peter Ladefoged (1993) : Phonetic structures of Dahalo
[15444]   Nurse, Derek (1986) : Reconstruction of Dahalo history through evidence from loanwords
[17262]   Rilling, Art (1986) : The Boni/Dahalo report
[17519]   Rowe, Joy (2000) : Finding the place for Dahalo in Cushitic: an investigation into the genetic classification of an East African language
[19773]   Tosco, Mauro (1991) : A grammatical sketch of Dahalo, including texts and a glossary
[19774]   Tosco, Mauro (1992) : Dahalo: an endangered language
[19775]   Tosco, Mauro (1992) : The classification of Dahalo: another perspective
[20465]   Voigt, Rainer Maria (1994) : Zum Dahalo