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01812Afro-Asiatique > Couchitique > Oriental > daasanach   (dsh)
NomsDaasenech ; Dasenech ; Dassanetch ; Dhaasanac ; Marille

9 titres trouvés

[609]   Almagor, Uri (1972) : Name-oxen and ox-names among the Dassanetch of southwest Ethiopia
[17881]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1976) : Dasenech
[18393]   Shackleton, (1---) : Unpublished notes on the Marille, in the possession of A. C. Wright
[18560]   Sim, Ronald J. & Margaret Sim (1978) : A grammar sketch of Daasenech
[19787]   Tosco, Mauro (1997) : Focus and verbal system in Dhaasanac (East Cushitic, south-west Ethiopia)
[19790]   Tosco, Mauro (1999) : The color terms of Dhaasanac
[19793]   Tosco, Mauro (2001) : The Dhaasanac language: grammar, texts and vocabulary of a Cushitic language of Ethiopia
[19794]   Tosco, Mauro (2001) : The short past in Dhaasanac
[24328]   Tosco, Mauro (2001) : The Dhaasanac language : grammar, texts and vocabulary of a Cushitic language of Ethiopia