56 langues concernées

01808Afro-Asiatique > Couchitique > Oriental > somali   (som)
Noms ; Af-Somali ; Djibouti Somali ; Marka (Af-Ashraaf) ; Nordsomali ; Oromo ; Somali ; Somali (Af Tunni) ; Somali (Dirs) ; Somali (Isaaq) ; Somali (proto-Karre-Boni) ; Somali Bantu ; Somali ~ Soomaali ; Somali ~ Soomaalu ; Somali ~ soomaali ; Somalia ; Somalo ; Soomaali ; Soomaali (Hikmad) ; Soomaali ~ Somali ; somali ; somaliiskii ~ Somali ; somalisch ; somalo ; soomaaliga ~ Somali

283 titres trouvés

[22370]   [Anonymous] (1997) : English-Somali dictionary and thesaurus/Qaamuus iyo ‘tesooras’ Ingiriisi-Soomaali: advanced level dictionary incorporating the Somali-English thesaurus
[22371]   [Anonymous] (1997) : Thesaurus: Somali-English/Qaamuuska tesooras: Soomaalu-Ingriisi
[60]   Abdullahi, Mohamed Diriye (1997) : Parlons somali
[61]   Abdullahi, Mohamed Diriye (2000) : Le somali, dialectes et histoire
[120]   Abraham, Roy Clive (1951) : The principles of Somali
[127]   Abraham, Roy Clive (1964) : Somali-English dictionary
[128]   Abraham, Roy Clive (1967) : English-Somali dictionary
[130]   Abraham, Roy Clive (1968) : Somali-English dictionary
[141]   Abu-Manga, Al-Amin & Herrmann Jungraithmayr (1988) : On the middle voice in African languages (Fulfulde and Somali)
[162]   Adam, Hussein Mohamed (1968) : A nation in search for a script: the problem of establishing a national orthography for Somali
[164]   Adam, Hussein Mohamed (1980) : The revolutionary development of the Somali language
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[326]   Agostini, Francesco , Annarita Puglielli & Ciise Maxamed Siyaad (1985) : Dizionario somalo-italiano
[340]   Ahmed Mohamed (1988) : The verb morphology of Dirs Somali of the Ogaden Region
[359]   Ajello, Roberto (1984) : Il focus nell’idioma degli Ashraaf di Shingaani
[360]   Ajello, Roberto (1984) : Substantives as predicates in Somali
[362]   Ajello, Roberto (1995) : La focalizzizione in somali
[361]   Ajello, Roberto & Annarita Puglielli (1988) : More on “hybrid verbs” and other grammatical categories in Somali
[553]   Ali, Issa Hussein & Mohamed Said Gees (1980) : The Somali language in science context
[555]   Ali, Salah Mohamed (1986) : The unity of the Somali language despite the barrier of regional language variants
[794]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (19--) : Unpublished grammatical and lexical materials on Oromo and Somali
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[796]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1955) : The problem of vowel representation in the Isaaq dialect of Somali
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[799]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1957) : Is Somali a tone language?
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[839]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1987) : In defence of improbable lemmas in Somali lexicography
[840]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1988) : Infills: nouns and verbs without lexical meaning in Somali poetry
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[842]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1992) : The evocative function of proper names in Somali poetic tropes
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[863]   Angoujard, Jean-Pierre (1989) : (Dé)voisement en somali central
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[23148]   Bader, Christian (2004) : Les noms de personnes chez les Somali
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[5270]   Dhoorre, Cabdulqaadir Salaad & Mauro Tosco (1998) : 111 Somali ideophones
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[6042]   Ehret, Christopher & Mohamed Nuuh Ali (1984) : Somali classification
[22473]   Faarax, Cabdulqani Guure (1999) : Dictionnaire somali-français
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[7131]   Gebert, Lucyna (1984) : Absolute constructions in Somali
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