6 langues concernées

01781Afro-Asiatique > Couchitique > Oriental > gawwada   (gwd)
NomsAle ; Gawwada ; ’Ale ; ’Alle

13 titres trouvés

[5454]   Dinote Kusia (1994) : [Something on Gawwada and Konso]
[5453]   Dinote Kusia, & Ralph Siebert (1994) : Second survey of languages of the Gawwada, Tsamaya and Diraasha areas with excursions to Birayle (Ongota) and Arbore (Irbore)
[7137]   Gebrew Tulu (2003) : The morphology of Gawwada
[27119]   Getachew Gebru, & Hiroshi Yoshino (2015) : Survey on the Noun Morphology of ʻAle
[27146]   Hiroshi Yoshino (2017) : Event Integration Patterns in ’Ale (East Cushitic)
[26900]   Prisecaru, Luminţa (2015) : A Brief Grammar of the Ale Language
[25171]   Tosco, Mauro (2010) : Why contrast matters: Information structure in Gawwada (East Cushitic)
[25584]   Tosco, Mauro (2012) : The grammar of space of Gawwada
[29108]   Tosco, Mauro (2022) : A Gawwada Dictionary - A Cushitic Language of South-West Ethiopia. With an English-Gawwada Glossary
[20802]   Wedekind, Klaus (199-) : [On Gawwada]
[20813]   Wedekind, Klaus (2001) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the languages of the Gawwada, Tsamay and Diraasha areas, with excursions to Birayle (Ongota) and Arbore (Irbore)
[27112]   Yoshino, Hiroshi (2013) : Preliminary Survey on ’Alle Verbal System
[27115]   Yoshino, Hiroshi (2014) : Event Integration Patterns in ʻAlle