16 langues concernées

01566Afro-Asiatique > Tchadique > Central > margi   (mrt)

8 titres trouvés

[5744]   Dubnova, Elena Zinovʼevna & T. E. Reutt (1973) : [Materials on the lexicon of Margi and Bura languages]
[8945]   Hoffmann, Carl F. (1963) : A grammar of the Margi language
[8961]   Hoffmann, Carl F. (1987) : Where the labial alveolars and labial palatals in proto-Bura-Margi?
[25387]   Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume II (“Biu-Mandara”)
[12641]   Maddieson, Ian (1987) : The Margi vowel system and labiocoronals
[27935]   Peust, Carsten (2019) : A Dictionary of Margi (Nigeria). Margi–English with English–Margi Index. Based on Carl Hoffmann’s Material
[19890]   Tranel, Bernard (1992/94) : Tone sandhi and vowel deletion in Margi
[22396]   Williams, Edwin S. (1976) : Underlying tone in Margi and Igbo