15 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[22109] [Anonymous] (1953) : Bura-English dictionary
[1246] Badejo, Bamidele Rotimi (1989) : An experimental study of tone-marking in Bura
[5744] Dubnova, Elena Zinovʼevna & T. E. Reutt (1973) : [Materials on the lexicon of Margi and Bura languages]
[8941] Hoffmann, Carl F. (1955) : Untersuchungen zur Struktur und sprachlichen Stellung des Bura
[8943] Hoffmann, Carl F. (1957) : A grammar of Bura
[8961] Hoffmann, Carl F. (1987) : Where the labial alveolars and labial palatals in proto-Bura-Margi?
[25387] Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume II (“Biu-Mandara”)
[12639] Maddieson, Ian (1983) : The analysis of complex phonetic elements in Bura and the syllable