24 langues concernées

00608Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Bantu > Bantu C > lobala   (loq)
NomsLobala ; likoka ; lobala ; lobálá

5 titres trouvés

[14102]   Morgan, David J. (1991) : Vowel harmony, syllable structure and the causative extension in a Bantu language, Lobala: a government phonology account
[22974]   Morgan, David J. (1994) : Semantic constraints on relevance in Lobala discourse
[22976]   Morgan, David J. (1993) : Vowel harmony, syllable structure and the causative extension in Lobala: a government phonology account
[14210]   Motingea Mangulu, André (1990) : Parlers riverains de l’entre Ubangi-Zaire: éléments de structure grammaticale
[14226]   Motingea Mangulu, André (1996) : Étude comparative des langues ngiri de l’entre Ubangi-Zaire