10 langues concernées

00479Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Bantu > Bantu S > tshwa   (tsc)
NomsTshwa ; Tswa ; Tswaa ; Xitshwa ; shitsua ; tshwa

9 titres trouvés

[3567]   Cabral, António Augusto Pereira (1924) : Vocabulário português, shironga, shitsua, guitonga, shishope, shisena, shinhungue, shishuabo, kikua, shi-yao e kissuahili
[25153]   Cumbane, Rui Marcelino Matsimbe (2009) : Introducing Double Object Construction in Xitshwa and in Portuguese as Second Language
[6976]   Gadelii, Karl Erland (1998) : A sketch of Xitshwa grammar
[16375]   Persson, J. A. (1928) : An English-Tswa dictionary
[16376]   Persson, J. A. (1932) : Outlines of Tswa grammar
[17531]   Roxburgh, J. A. (1967) : Morphology of the substantive in Tshwa
[18773]   Snyman, Jan Winston (2000) : A report on the Tswaa and G//ana languages
[28047]   Ugembe, Zeferino (2017) : Issues about tone rules in Xitshwa
[21293]   Wilson, Ralph L. (19--) : Dicionário prático, português/tshwa