184 langues concernées
13 titres trouvés
[27366] Childs, G. Tucker (2017) : A Dictionary of the Sherbro Language
[8052] Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1961) : Notes on the early study of some West African languages (Susu, Bullom/Sherbro, Temne, Mende, Vai and Yoruba)
[8177] Hanson, Walter R. (1979) : Collected notes towards the phonology of the Sherbro language
[24178] Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[11356] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1980) : West African language data sheets 2
[24358] Mukarovsky, Hans Guenter (1966) : Sherbro, Mmani und die westguineische Sprachgruppe
[16489] Pichl, Walter J. (1967) : A Sherbro-English dictionary
[23224] Pichl, Walter J. (1963) : Sherbro-English and English-Sherbro vocabulary
[24537] Pichl, Walter J. (1980 [1973]) : Sherbro
[26212] Pichl, Walter J. (1964) : Comparative notes on Sherbro and Krim
[24362] Rogers, H. (1970) : The Sherbro Noun Class System
[24597] Rogers, Henry Edwin (1967) : The Phonology and Morphology of Sherbro
[19240] Sumner, A. T. (1921) : A handbook of the Sherbro language