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16 titres trouvés
[497] Alemayehu Haile (1981) : Omotic and Kushitic verbal markers: a possible isogloss
[2085] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1990) : The limits of Omotic
[2088] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1990) : Gender in Omotic
[2097] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1996) : The limits of Omotic revisited
[2112] Bender, Marvin Lionel (2003) : Omotic lexicon and phonology
[2115] Bender, Marvin Lionel (2003) : The Omotic lexicon
[6685] Fleming, Harold C. (1976) : Omotic overview
[6699] Fleming, Harold C. (1992) : Omotic and Cushitic: a reply to Lamberti
[8382] Hayward, Richard J. (1988) : Remarks on Omotic sibilants
[8398] Hayward, Richard J. (1995) : The challenge of Omotic: an inaugural lecture delivered on 17 February 1994
[8399] Hayward, Richard J. (1996) : The velar stem alternation in Omotic
[8406] Hayward, Richard J. & Yoichi Tsuge (1998) : Concerning case in Omotic
[8726] Hetzron, Robert (1988) : The position of Omotic
[8926] Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1996) : Omotic etyma and related forms
[20469] Voigt, Rainer Maria (1996) : Zwei neue Arbeiten zum Omotischen
[21709] Zaborski, Andrzej (1990) : Preliminary remarks on case morphemes in Omotic