18 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[26999]   Akanbi, Timothy Adeyemi (2015) : A descriptive analysis of Àhàn interrogative sentences
[2233]   Berry, Jack (1955) : Some notes on the phonology of the Nzema and Ahanta dialects
[2653]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (1975) : Nzema-Ahanta medial [k] and its reflexes in other central Volta-Comoe languages
[8891]   Hochstetler, J. Lee , J. A. Durieux & E. I. K. Durieux-Boon (2004) : Sociolinguistic survey of the Dogon language area
[13631]   Mensah, I. Edward (1973) : Ahanta-English
[18853]   Spears, Richard A. (1965) : The structure of Farahan-Maninka