49 langues concernées
19 titres trouvés
[13] Abasheikh, Mohammad Imam (1976) : Reflexivization in Chimwi:ni
[14] Abasheikh, Mohammad Imam (1978) : The grammar of Chimwi:ni causatives
[26083] Alomofor, Christian (compiled by) (2007) : Awing-English dictionary and English-Awing index
[1207] Ayotte, Michael & Melinda Lamberty (2002) : Rapid appraisal sociolinguistic survey among NGEMBA cluster of languages: Mankon, Bambili, Nkwen, Pinyin and Awing
[23828] Azieshi, Gisele (1994) : Phonologie structurale de l’awing
[2392] Biehler, Edward (1927) : English-Chiswina dictionary with an outline Chiswina grammar
[4513] Cook, Clare (2004) : Extraction marking vs scope-marking in Nêhiyawêwin and Yorùbá
[28366] Fominyam, Henry Z. (2018) : Inverting the subject in Awing
[28448] Fominyam, Henry Zamchang & Doreen Georgi (2021) : Subject marking in Awing
[6765] Forson, D. (1990) : The implementation of English by the Roman Catholic Vicariate of Windhoek, Namibia
[11400] Krüger, Susanne (2004) : A sociolinguistic survey of Pinyin and Awing
[11740] Lau, Brigitte (1988) : Kleine Zusammenfassung zur Dokumentation des Ortsnamen ‘Windhoek’
[11969] Leroy, Jacqueline [Warnier] (1980) : The Ngemba group: Mankon, Bagangu, Mundum I, Bafut, Nkwen, Bambui, Pinyin, Awing
[24771] Miehe, Gudrun & Kerstin Winkelmann (2007) : Noun Class Systems in Gur Languages; Vol. I Southwestern Gur Languages (without Gurunsi)
[16767] Pönnighaus, Friedrich (1931/32) : Die Bäume und Sträucher des Distriktes Windhuk
[21128] Wiesmann, Hannes (Ed) (2000) : Éléments du discours narratif dans les textes win (toussain du sud)
[23566] Wiesmann, Hannes (Ed) (2000) : Éléments du discours narratif dans les textes win (toussian du sud)
[28691] Winkelmann, Kerstin (2007) : L. Win (South Tusian)
[21920] Zungu, P. J. (1989) : Hlangwini: a Tekela dialect