504 langues concernées
395 titres trouvés
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[21957] [Anonymous] (1---) : Tshivenda grammar notes
[21987] [Anonymous] (19--) : Vocabulaire français-shi
[21988] [Anonymous] (19--) : Vocabulaire shi-français
[22000] [Anonymous] (19--) : Dictionnaire français-mashi
[22035] [Anonymous] (1927) : Petit vocabulaire tshiluba-français
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[921] Applegate, Joseph R. (1957) : Berber studies, I: Shilha
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[938] Appleyard, David L. (1986) : Agaw, Cushitic and Afroasiatic: the personal pronoun revisited
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[24570] Arvanites, Linda (1991) : The Glottalic Phonemes of Proto Eastern Cushitic
[1064] Ashenafi Tesfay (1989) : The noun phrase in Shinasha
[1065] Ashenafi Tesfay, & Klaus Wedekind (1990) : Characteristics of Omotic tone: Shinasha (Borna)
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[1474] Banholzer, W. & Fr. Bernardo Kohnen (1922) : Shilluk Wörterbuch
[1508] Banti, Giorgio (1987) : Evidence for a second type of suffix conjugation in Cushitic
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[25553] Batibo, Herman M. (2012) : Can tone shift be regarded as tone depression in Shisukuma?
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[25403] Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (2008) : The Classification of Cushitic and Omotic: a Critique
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[22909] Bedrosian, Patricia L. (1996/97) : The Mboshi noun class system
[25404] Bender, Marvin Lionel (2008) : Proto-Cushitic Lexical Innovations
[27644] Bickmore, Lee (2018) : Contrast Reemergence in the Aushi Subjunctive
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[2507] Blanchon, Jean Alain (1988) : Relèvements tonals en eshira et en massango: première approche d’une tonologie comparée du groupe bantou B40
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