527 langues concernées
407 titres trouvés
[22288] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Centrafrique, Sango
[22349] [Anonymous] (1992) : Khoisan languages
[22385] [Anonymous] (2003) : Maninka sentence repetition test survey report: an investigation into the degree of bilingualism proficiency between Maninka of Kankan and Malinké, Kuranko, Sankaran, Konyanka, as well as other dialects of Maninka
[24013] [Anonymous] (1998) : Code électoral de la République Centrafricaine: français-sango
[1] =Oma, Kxao Moses & Magdalena Broerman (1998) : Do the San of southern Africa have a say on education?
[29057] Agyepong, Dorothy Pokua (2022) : The combinatorial patterns of twá 'to cut' in Asante-Twi (Akan): Multiple senses or contextual modulations?
[23473] Ahua, Mouchi Blaise (2004) : Conditions linguistiques pour une orthographe de l’agni: une analyse contrastive des dialectes sanvi et djuablin
[472] Alake, Justina Imade (1999) : Vowel elision in Esan
[609] Almagor, Uri (1972) : Name-oxen and ox-names among the Dassanetch of southwest Ethiopia
[786] Andersson, Lars-Gunnar (1992) : Khoisanspråkens typologiska profil(er)
[788] Andersson, Lars-Gunnar (1993) : Khoisanspråk
[25041] Areghan, Gloria (1983) : LʼESAN dʼUBIAJA : éléments de description dʼune langue du groupe èdo (Bendel State, Nigeria)
[988] Argyle, W. John (19--) : Sheep by any other name would smell as sweet: Khoisan livestock terms and the Kalahari debate
[991] Argyle, W. John (1994/95) : Khoisan-southern Bantu livestock exchanges: reinterpreting the linguistic evidence (summary)
[992] Argyle, W. John (1998) : Khoesan and the global connection: some etymologies
[26086] Assine, Pascal (2008) : Les énoncés à prédicat non verbal en kusanuaay : parler jóola de Guinée Bissau
[1555] Barnard, Alan (1976) : Khoisan classification
[1557] Barnard, Alan (1978) : A further note on Khoisan classification
[1558] Barnard, Alan (1980) : Khoesan southern Africa as a cultural area
[1563] Barnard, Alan (1988) : Kinship, language and production: a conjectural history of Khoisan social structure
[13083] Basso Marques, João (1947) : Familiaridade idiomática entre Cobianas e Cassangas
[1801] Batibo, Herman M. (1997) : The Khoesan languages of Botswana
[1805] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : The fate of the Khoesan languages of Botswana
[25689] Batibo, Herman M. (2010) : Taking the best of both worlds – Integration and identity among the Khoesan speakers of Botswana
[1813] Batibo, Herman M. & Joseph Tsonope (Ed) (2000) : The state of Khoesan languages in Botswana
[1829] Baucom, Kenneth L. (1974) : Proto-Central-Khoisan
[1894] Bearth, Thomas & Hugo Zemp (1967) : The phonology of Dan (Santa)
[1939] Bechon, S. (2000) : Description de la langue sangu, langue bantu du sud-ouest de la Tanzanie
[2021] Bell, Arthur & Paul Washburn (Ed) (2001) : Khoisan: syntax, phonetics, phonology and contact
[2205] Bergman, Richard K. (1968) : Vowel sandhi in Igede and other African languages
[2241] Berry, Jack (1960) : An English-Twi-Asante-Fante dictionary
[2263] Berthelette, John (2001) : Sociolinguistic survey report for the San (Samo) language
[2378] Biddulph, Joseph (1985) : ‘Mbèni yanga ato mbéra’...: a brief description of the Sango language, Central African Republic
[2380] Biddulph, Joseph (1988) : Sango: an Esperanto of Africa
[2420] Bilodeau, Jacques (1979) : Sept contes sangu dans leur contexte et linguistique: éléments de phonologie du sangu, langue bantou de Tanzania; textes des contes avec traduction et notes
[2507] Blanchon, Jean Alain (1988) : Relèvements tonals en eshira et en massango: première approche d’une tonologie comparée du groupe bantou B40
[2512] Blanchon, Jean Alain (1990) : Noms composés en massango et en nzèbi de Mbigou (Gabon)
[2522] Blanchon, Jean Alain (1999) : Douze études sur les langues du Gabon et du Congo-Brazzaville
[2503] Blanchon, Jean Alain & François Nsuka-Nkutsi (1984) : Détermination des classes tonales des nominaux en ci-vili, i-sangu et inzèbi
[25797] Blench, Roger M. (2009) : Was there an Interchange between Cushitic Pastoralists and Khoesan Speakers in the Prehistory of Southern Africa and how can this be Detected?
[2721] Boëseken, Anna J. (1972) : The meaning, origin and use of the terms Khoikhoi, San and Khoisan
[2722] Boëseken, Anna J. (1974) : Dr A. J. Boëseken replies to Prof. R. H. Elphick[’s comment on] “The meaning, origin and use of the terms Khoikhoi, San and Khoisan”
[25266] Bombay, Elaine (2007) : Enquête sociolinguistique sur les langues tama et assangori, parlers du Tchad et du Soudan
[2871] Borgne, [Capitaine] le (1953) : Vocabulaire technique du chameau en Mauritanie (dialecte hassanya)
[3002] Bouquiaux, Luc , Jean-Marie Kobozo , Marcel Diki-Kidiri , Jacqueline Vallet & Anne Behaghel (Ed) (1978) : Dictionnaire sango-français et lexique français-sango
[3014] Bourdonnec, P.-M. (1948) : La langue sanga
[3015] Bourdonnec, P.-M. & André Coupez (1968) : Fichier du dictionnaire sanga
[3076] Boyeldieu, Pascal & Marcel Diki-Kidiri (1988) : Le groupe ngbandi-sango-kpatiri
[3140] Bradshaw, Richard & Joel Bombo-Konghozaud (1997) : The Sango language and Central African culture, 1: basic concepts, grammar and vocabulary
[3141] Bradshaw, Richard & Joel Bradshaw (1998) : A basic Sango-French-English dictionary (Central African Republic)
[25691] Brenzinger, Matthias (2010) : The exodus of Khoisan speech communities from Angola
[25679] Brenzinger, Matthias & Christa König (Eds) (2010) : Khoisan Languages and Linguistics. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium, January 4-8, 2003, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal
[24072] Bühnen, Stefan (1988) : Lexique comparatif des dialectes Baɲun et de Kasanga et Cobiana
[3490] Burmeister, Jonathan L. (1976) : A comparison of variable nouns in Anyi-Sanvi and Nzema
[22970] Burmeister, Jonathan L. (1999) : Lexique agni sanvi-français
[3612] Calame-Griaule, Geneviève (1972) : L’expression du temps en dogon de Sanga
[3736] Caprile, Jean-Pierre , Marcel Diki-Kidiri & others (Ed) (1982) : Contacts de langues et contacts de cultures, 4: l’expansion des langues Africaines: peul, sango, kikongo, ciluba, swahili
[3754] Carleton, Troi (1992) : The tonology of Asante verbs
[4141] Christaller, Johann Gottlieb (1933) : Dictionary of the Asante and Fante language called Tshi (Twi)
[4332] Cohen, David (1963) : Le dialecte arabe hassaniya de Mauritanie (parler de la Gebla)
[4506] Cook, Thomas Louis (1976) : Doko, Uyaŋga, Basaŋga: a brief note
[4545] Copland, B. D. (1938) : Notes on the phonetics of Sandawe
[4602] Coupez, André (1969) : Une leçon de linguistique
[4603] Coupez, André (1970) : Notes sanga, non-publié
[4674] Crawhall, Nigel T. (1999) : Going to a better life: perspectives on the future of language in education for San and Khoe South Africans
[4743] Crewe, W. J. (1975) : The phonological features of the Ingessana language
[4936] Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1979) : Subject identification strategies and free word order in Sandawe
[4949] Dammann, Ernst (1945/50) : Einige Notizen über die Sprache der Sanye (Kenya)
[5041] Deacon, Janette (1986) : ‘My place is the Bitterspits’: the home territory of Bleek and Lloyd’s |Xam San informants
[5257] Déchamps-Wenezoui, Martine (1981) : Le français, le sango et les autres langues centrafricaines: enquête sociolinguistique au quartier Boy-Race (Bangui, Centrafrique)
[24558] Delafosse, Maurice (1904) : Vocabulaires comparatifs de plus de soixante langues ou dialectes africains, parlés à la Côte dʼIvoire et dans les régions limitrophes, avec des notes linguistiques et ethnologiques, une bibliographie, et une carte
[24086] Denteh., A. C. (1982) : Some Genitive Constructions in Akyem/Asante Twi
[5389] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1975) : Développement du sango pour l’expression du monde moderne: obstacles et possibilités
[5390] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1977) : Le sango s’écrit aussi: esquisse linguistique du sango, langue nationale de l’Empire centrafricain
[5391] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1978) : Grammaire sango: phonologie et syntaxe
[5392] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1981) : Mesure de variations libres entre phonèmes en sango
[5394] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1982) : L’expansion du sango en centrafrique
[5395] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1982) : Variations libres entre phonèmes en sango, langue nationale de RCA
[5396] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1988) : Aspects, modes et temps en sango
[5397] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1988) : Elicitation of orthography choices in writing Sango language
[5399] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1994) : Développer le Sango en tant que langue officielle
[5400] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel (1995) : Le sango
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[23987] Diki-Kidiri, Marcel , Chérif MʼBodj & Atibakwa Baboya Edema (1997) : Des lexiques en langues africaines (sängö, wolof, lingála) pour l’utilisateur de l’ordinateur
[5509] Dobashi, Yoshihito (2004) : Phonological phrasing in Sandawe
[23411] Dobashi, Yoshihito (2001) : Agrement and word order in Sandawe
[23422] Dobashi, Yoshihito (2002) : Downstep and phonological phrasing in Sandawe
[5612] Dolphyne, Florence Abena (1965) : Phonetics and phonology of the verbal piece in the Asante dialect of Twi
[5619] Dolphyne, Florence Abena (1986) : Tone and grammar in Akan: the tone of possessive constructions in the Asante dialect
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[5717] Drexel, Albert (1929) : Das grammatische Geschlecht im Nama und Sandawe
[5785] Duma, Pius Ludoviki (19--) : Maandishi ya ligha ya Kisandawe: historia yake
[25160] Eaton, Helen (2010) : Information structure in Sandawe texts
[25892] Eaton, Helen (2008) : Object marking and aspect in Sandawe
[27806] Eaton, Helen (2020) : Sandawe
[28915] Eaton, Helen (2015) : Main event line structure and aspect in Sandawe narratives
[5918] Eaton, Helen Catherine (2001) : Word order and focus in the Sandawe irrealis
[5919] Eaton, Helen Catherine (2002) : The grammar of focus in Sandawe
[24420] Eboué, Félix (1918) : Langues sango, banda, baya, mandjia. Notes grammaticales
[6043] Ehret, Christopher (1986) : Proposals on Khoisan reconstruction
[26591] Ehret, Christopher & Patricia Ehret (Eds) (2012) : A Dictionary of Sandawe - compiled from the field collections of Eric Ten Raa
[6079] Ejele, P. E. (1986) : Transitivity, tense and aspect in Esan
[6080] Ejele, P. E. (1990) : Morphological characterizations relevant for syntactic constructions: the case in Esan
[6082] Ejele, P. E. (2000/01) : The syntax and semantics of tense markers in Esan
[22770] Ejele, P. E. (1982) : Towards a phonology of Esan
[24127] Ejele, P. E. (2000-01) : Durativity, Punctuality, and the Imperfective Paradox: The Case in Esan
[24128] Ejele, P. E. (2002) : Temporal Distinctions as Bases for the Semantic Classification of Verbs: Insights from Esan
[24129] Ejele, P. E. (2003) : Aspectual Contrasts in Esan
[6110] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1986) : Diachronic inferences from basic sentence and noun structure in central Khoisan and Sandawe
[6112] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1988) : Patterns of sound in northern Khoisan
[6115] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1989) : The significance and origin of the use of pitch in Sandawe
[6116] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1991) : Clause structure and tone in Sandawe
[6121] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1998) : Sandawe stems
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[24879] Ermisch, Sonja (ed) (2008) : Khoisan Languages and Linguistics. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium January 8-12, 2006, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal
[6589] Fédry, Jacques (1980) : Un précieux instrument de référence: le dictionnaire sango
[24421] Feikere, Séraphin (1988) : Etude des emprunts du gbaya en sängö
[6539] Feral, G. (1951) : Morphologie du verbe dans le dialecte hassane
[6692] Fleming, Harold C. (1986) : Hadza and Sandawe genetic relations
[7161] Gerard, M. (1930) : Sango langue commerciale de l’Oubangui-Chari
[7162] Gerbault, Jeannine (1987) : Utilisation des langues et attitudes: la montée du sango
[7163] Gerbault, Jeannine (1988) : Language use and attitudes: the rise of Sango
[7164] Gerbault, Jeannine (1988) : Attitudes and problems regarding the development of literacy in Sango
[7166] Gerbault, Jeannine (1990) : Conflicting forces in the standardization of Sango and the development of vernacular literacy in the Central African Republic
[7167] Gerbault, Jeannine (1994) : The development of Sango literacy in Central African Republic
[7199] Gerhardt, Ludwig (1986) : Die Khoi-San Sprachen
[7289] Gital, Garba Mohammed (1987) : Typology of dative ordering: a case study of Bausanci dative movement in Hausa dialectology
[7532] GrandʼEury, Sylvie (1994) : Le Sango au service de l’animation des structure communautaires rurales et urbaines
[7823] Guenther, Mathias [Georg] (1977) : More on Khoisan classification
[7922] Güldemann, Tom (1998) : San languages for education: a linguistic short survey and proposal
[7930] Güldemann, Tom (2000) : Noun categorization systems in non-Khoe lineages of Khoisan
[7934] Güldemann, Tom (2002) : Using older Khoisan sources: quantifier expressions in Lower Nossop varieties of Tuu
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[23453] Güldemann, Tom (2001) : Phonological regularities of consonant systems across Khoisan lineages
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[7928] Güldemann, Tom & Rainer Vossen (2000) : Khoisan
[27379] Gunnink, Hilde , Bonny Sands , Brigitte Pakendorf & Koen Bostoen (2015) : Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages
[2124] Hadelin, R. Dom (1938) : Vocabulaire français-kisanga
[25182] Hagemeijer, Tjerk (2009) : Aspects of discontinuous negation in Santome
[8306] Hashim Orta, Saf Adin & Alawia Omer (1999) : Phonology write-up of Gaam/Ingessana
[22388] Hasselbring, Sue (2000) : Where are the Khoesan of Botswana?
[8318] Hasselbring, Sue & Thabiso Segatlhe (2000) : Language choice in ten domains among Khoesan speakers in Botswana
[23416] Hastings, Rachel (2001) : Evidence for the genetic unity of southern Khoesan
[24790] Heath, Jeffrey (2004) : Hassaniya Arabic (Mali) - French - English Dictionary
[24791] Heath, Jeffrey (2003) : Hassaniya Arabic (Mali) Poetic and Ethnographic Texts
[8470] Heine, Bernd (1968) : Die Verbreitung und Gliederung der Togorestsprachen
[22645] Heine, Bernd (2000) : Grammaticalization chains across languages: an example from Khoisan
[13107] Hérault, Georges (1983) : Les termes de parenté dans onze langues Kwa de Côte dʼIvoire
[8891] Hochstetler, J. Lee , J. A. Durieux & E. I. K. Durieux-Boon (2004) : Sociolinguistic survey of the Dogon language area
[8936] Hofer, Verena & Thomas Bearth (1975) : Système vocalique et sandhi vocalique en wobé
[9047] Honken, Henry (1977) : Submerged features and proto-Khoisan
[9051] Honken, Henry (1988) : Phonetic correspondences among Khoisan affricates
[9052] Honken, Henry (1995) : Types of phonetic correspondence rules in two San languages
[9054] Honken, Henry (1998) : Types of sound correspondence patterns in Khoisan languages
[25896] Honken, Henry (2008) : The split tones in Central Khoesan
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[9126] Hovelmann, Wendy (2000) : African languages and their place in education in southern Africa (with special reference to Khoesan languages)
[9321] Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1993) : Douze dialectes mongo, 8: le dialecte des Bosanga
[9380] Hurskainen, Arvi (1994) : Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu in test: a computer system for analyzing dictionaries and for retrieving lexical data
[9534] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1993) : Éléments de phonologie diachronique du isangu (B.42)
[9535] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1993) : Le isangu de Mimongo (B.42): éléments de phonologie diachronique du isangu, correspondence proto-bantu isangu et lexique spécialisés
[9537] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1998) : Universaux versus spécificités linguistiques dans l’acquisition du langage chez l’enfant: le cas de la langue isangu (bantou, B42)
[9538] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1998) : Aperçu sur la morphosyntaxe de la langue isangu (bantou, B42)
[9539] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (2000) : Quelques aspects de l’acquisition de la langue isangu par les infants
[9543] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (2003) : Voice through verbal extensions in the Isangu system
[22811] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1998) : Développement de la morphologie verbale chez l’enfant: le cas extensions verbales en isangu
[22813] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1999) : Stratégies linguistiques vs stratégies non linguistiques dans l’acquisition des expressions spatiales chez lmenfant: une analyse des données issues de la langue isangu (Bantu, Gabon)
[22814] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1999) : Topicalisation et perspective du patient chez l’enfant Musangu
[22815] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (2000) : Classes nominales et catégories ontologiques: l’acquisition du système isangu par les enfants
[22816] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1998) : Quelques aspects de l’acquisition de la langue isangu pas les enfants
[22817] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (2001) : Emphase et thématisation en isangu
[23467] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (1998) : Quelques aspects de la morphosyntaxe de la langue isangu
[24108] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck (2003) : Evolution du système des classes nominales isangu (B42): Une lecture synchronique et diachronique des genres 5/2 et 9/10
[9710] Jacquot, André (1960) : Esquisse phonologique du sango urbain (Bangui)
[9712] Jacquot, André (1961) : Notes sur la situation du sango à Bangui, résultat d’un sondage
[9905] Joda, O. (1971) : A tentative phonology of Isanlu (Yagba)
[10205] Kagaya, Ryohei (1990) : Jiyuu gojun gengo deno gojun seegen: Sandawe-go no baai / Restriction on word order in a free word order language: the case of the Sandawe language
[10210] Kagaya, Ryohei (1993) : A classified vocabulary of the Sandawe language
[10211] Kagaya, Ryohei (1994) : Sandawe-go no shinkou hyougen de no go no gruupu ni tsuite: syukaku setsuji no kousetsu ni kanshite / A word group in the progressive expression of the Sandawe language: concerning the suffixation of a subject marker
[10591] Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1954) : Martin van de Kimmenades Grammatik und Vokabular der Sandawe-Sprache
[10414] Karan, Mark E. (2001) : The dynamics of Sango language spread
[22900] Karan, Mark E. (1996) : The dynamics of language spread: a study of the motivations and the social determinants of the spread of Sango in the Republic of Central Africa
[10654] Kelly, John (1991) : Glides and phonological change in Mombasan Swahili
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[10702] Khabirov, Valeri (1974) : Description phonologique du sango de Bangui
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[10729] Khuba, A. E. (1993) : The significance of the Musanda language
[23325] Kiessling, Roland (2002) : Verbal plurality in Sandawe
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[10837] Kimmenade, Martin van de (1954) : Essai de grammaire et vocabulaire de la langue Sandawe
[27212] Klomp, Paul (1993) : A sketch of the phonology and morphology of Esan
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[22945] Kouao, Anoh & Jonathan L. Burmeister (1985) : Personal names in Sanvi Anyi
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[11200] Koyt, Michel Marie (1994) : La situation du Sango en République Centrafricaine
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[11532] Ladefoged, Peter & Anthony Traill (1980) : Phonological features and phonetic details of Khoisan languages
[11650] Lang, Jürgen (1994) : Estruturas eventualmente africanas no crioulo de Cabo Verde (Santiago)
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[11653] Lang, Jürgen (2000) : Centre africain et périphérie portugaise dans le créole santiagais du Cap Vert
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[11899] Legère, Karsten (1998) : Khoisan traces in Kavango languages
[24565] Lespinay, Charles de (1992) : Dictionnaire Baynunk (guñun-gujaxer-guhaca-gubòy)
[12119] Levin, Saul (1971) : The Indo-European and Semitic languages: an exploration of structural similarities related to accent, chiefly in Greek, Sanskrit and Hebrew
[12162] Lickey, Sara A. (1985) : Khoisan influence in southern Bantu: an investigation
[24011] Lim, François (Ed) (1998) : Lexique des termes juridiques et administratifs français-sango, sango-français
[24012] Lim, François (Ed) (1998) : Guide de l’électeur français-sango
[12187] Lindfors, Bernth (1983) : Clicks and clucks: victorian reactions to San speech
[12208] Lister, Frank S. & J. Lister (1966) : The Ingassana language: a preliminary investigation
[12370] Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1986) : Some linguistic influence of Khoi and San in the prehistory of the Nguni
[23415] Luijks, Carla (2001) : The Khoekhoe and/or the San: gathering the Afrikaans substrate languages
[22545] Machozi, Tshopo (1989) : Les parler kiswahili de Kisangani: variations morphologiques et lexicales
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[12709] Magi, L. M. (1988?) : The diffusion of click sounds from Khoisan to Bantu languages in southern Africa
[12887] Mandaba, Michael (1981) : Sango-Deutsch Wörterbuch
[23335] Mdee, James Salehe (1991) : Writing definitions that do not define: an appraisal of Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu (KKS)
[13806] Miller-Ockhuizen, Amanda (1997) : A decompositional analysis of Khoisan lexical tone
[13808] Miller-Ockhuizen, Amanda (1998) : Towards a unified decompositional analysis of Khoisan lexical tone
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[14051] Moñino, Yves (Ed) (1988) : Lexique comparatif des langues oubanguiennes
[14146] Morrill, Charles (1997) : Language, culture and society in the Central African Republic: the emergence and development of Sango
[14176] Moser, Rupert R. (1992) : Sociolinguistic dynamics of Sango
[14248] Mouchet, Jean & E. Erickson (1951) : Esquisse grammaticale du masana
[14295] Moyer, David C. (2000) : Sangu names for some birds species
[14545] Mulaudzi, P. Abraham (2003) : The Musanda variety: the language of the ‘ruling community’ among the Venda people
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