6 langues concernées
16 titres trouvés
[26358] Cloarec-Heiss, France (1997) : Lexique sabanga
[4886] Dakouli, Padeu , Antje Maass & David Toomey (1996) : Sociolinguistic survey report: rapid appraisal of the Saba language of the Guera, Chad, November 25-26, 1995
[6616] Finlayson, Rosalie (1984) : The changing nature of isihlonipho sabafazi
[6622] Finlayson, Rosalie (1995) : Women’s language of respect: isihlonipha sabafazi
[6627] Finlayson, Rosalie (2002) : Women’s language of respect: isihlonipho sabafazi
[28487] Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (2020) : Préliminaires à une étude du saba, langue tchadique orientale du Tchad (région de Melfi)
[10652] Kelly, John (1985) : Phonograms for Sabaki: an experiment in method
[11715] Larsen, Iver A. (1982) : Sabaot orthography
[11717] Larsen, Iver A. (1985) : A practical alphabet for the Sabaot language
[11718] Larsen, Iver A. (1991) : Sabaot noun classification
[23020] Larsen, Iver A. & others (1996) : Soomburtaab ng’aleek chebo sabawoot
[15433] Nurse, Derek (1983) : The proto-Sabaki verb system and its subsequent development
[15457] Nurse, Derek & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (1993) : Swahili and Sabaki: a linguistic history
[23242] Philippson, Gérard (2005) : Pitch accent in Comorian and Proto-Sabaki tones
[18529] Siertsema, Berthe (1968) : Pros and cons of macro-phonemes in new orthographies (Masaba spelling problems)
[18530] Siertsema, Berthe (1981) : Masaba word list: English-Masaba, Masaba-English