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8 titres trouvés
[5285] Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich (1975) : On root structure in proto-Semitic
[5605] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1978) : On phonemic stress in proto-Semitic
[6408] Faber, Alice (1985) : Akkadian evidence for proto-Semitic affricates
[6409] Faber, Alice (1989) : On the nature of proto-Semitic *l
[8701] Hetzron, Robert (1969) : Third person singular pronoun suffixes in proto-Semitic
[8702] Hetzron, Robert (1969) : The evidence for perfect *y’aqtul and jussive *yaqt’ul in proto-Semitic
[11729] LaSor, W. S. (1990) : Proto-Semitic: is the concept no longer valid?
[18988] Steiner, R. C. (1977) : The case for fricative-laterals in proto-Semitic