605 langues concernées
430 titres trouvés
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[22270] [Anonymous] (1980) : A Mende orthography workshop - held during January 21-25, 1980
[22305] [Anonymous] (1984) : Revised Kono, Krio, Limba, Mende and Themne orthographies - workshop held during April 24-27, 1984
[22335] [Anonymous] (1989) : Ndebele dictionary sample
[27793] Abe, Yuko (2020) : Bende
[26769] Adou, Ange Georgette (2014) : L'harmonie vocalique dans les constructions verbales en agni ànɔ́ et en agni indénié, langues kwa de Côte d'Ivoire
[26749] Adouakou, Sandrine (2005) : Tons et intonation dans la langue agni indénié
[323] Aginsky, Ethel Gertrude (1935) : A grammar of the Mende language
[400] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Ngessimo M. Mutaka (2001) : Tone in the infinitive in Kinande: an OT analysis
[421] Aklilu Yilma (1983) : Endegen phonology
[782] Anderson, Heidi & Susanne Krüger (2004) : A rapid appraisal (RA) survey of Kendem
[29076] Anderson, Heidi & Susanne Krüger (2004) : A Rapid Appraisal (RA) Survey of Kendem
[993] Aristar, Anthony Rodrigues (1994) : Binder-anaphors and the diachrony of case displacement
[27737] Arjava, Heini & Andrei Dumitrescu (2019) : Spatial forms and functions in isiNdebele: A 3D-stimulus field study
[22746] Asinya, Osbert Esikpong (1985) : Elements of Nde phonology
[26752] Assanvo Amoikon D. (2010) : La syntaxe de l’agni indénié
[26753] Assanvo Amoikon D. (2011) : Les traits sémantiques de l’agni indénié, langue Kwa de Côte d’Ivoire
[26917] Assanvo Amoikon, Dihyé (2006) : Lexique agni Indenie
[27733] Aunio, Lotta & Axel Fleisch (2019) : Linguistic Diversity Research among Speakers of isiNdebele and Sindebele in South Africa
[27741] Aunio, Lotta , Stephan Schulz , Nailya Philippova & Antti Olavi Laine (2019) : Nominal tone in isiNdebele
[25483] Babaev, Kirill (2010) : Person Marking in South-West Mande Languages: a Tentative Reconstruction
[25459] Babaev, Kirill V. (2010) : On the Reconstruction of Person Marking in South-Western Mande
[25340] Babaev, Kyrill V. (2011) : On the reconstruction of some tense/aspect markers in Proto-Mande
[1462] Bampembe, Sangadji (1981) : Réflexes du proto-bantu en ndengese
[1832] Baudet, Guibert (1947) : Eléments de grammaire kinande, suivis d’un vocabulaire kinande-français et français-kinande
[1885] Bbemo, Musubaho Tseme M. (1978) : Pronom de liaison en bantu: le cas du kinande (D.42)
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[1903] Bearth, Thomas (1995) : Nominal periphrasis and the origin of the predicative marker in Mande languages: an alternative view
[2421] Bilongo Bweya, Nʼzemba-Baala (1971/72) : Essai d’une morphologie comparée des formes nominales et pronominales des langues sonde et ngongo
[2422] Bimson, Kent [David] (1976) : Comparative reconstruction of Mandekan
[2423] Bimson, Kent [David] (1978) : Comparative reconstruction of proto-Northern-Western Mande
[2435] Bird, Charles Stephen (1970) : The development of Mandekan (Manding): a study of the rôle of extra-linguistic factors in linguistic change
[2436] Bird, Charles Stephen (1971) : Some observations on initial consonant change in southwestern Mande
[2437] Bird, Charles Stephen (1971) : Some observations on the phonology of Mandekan: diachronic and synchronic regularity
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[22977] Black, Cheryl A. (1995) : Boundary tones on word-internal domains in Kinande
[26337] Blench, Roger M. (s.d.) : Ekoid: Bantoid Languages of the Nigeria-Cameroun Borderland
[2790] Bokungulu, Bonsao wa Yotsi (1973) : Esquisse phonologique et morphologique: formes nominales et pronominales de la langue ndengese
[24272] Boone, Douglas , Mike Boling , Lamine Silue & Mary Anne Augustin (1999) : Enquête sur les dialectes mandé nord de Côte d'Ivoire
[22635] Bostoen, Koen & Jacky Maniacky (Ed) (2005) : Studies in African comparative linguistics, with special focus on Bantu and Mande: essays in honour of Yvonne Bastin and Claire Grégoire
[23285] Bovin, M. (1972) : Ethno-terms for ethnic groups: examples from Azande and Kanuri
[3037] Bowern, Claire & Victoria Lotridge (Ed) (2002) : Ndebele
[3043] Boyd, Raymond (1980) : Étude zandé (langue oubanguienne, dialecte de la République Centrafricaine)
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[3327] Brown, S. (1958) : A Mende grammar with tones
[3478] Bunduki, P. (1965) : Esquisse phonologique et morphologique de la langue pheende
[27034] Burkholder, Ross (2017) : The syntactic structure of negation in Ndebele
[25920] Childs, G. Tucker (2010) : The Mande and Atlantic groups of Niger-Congo: prolonged contact with asymmetrical consequences
[24105] Childs, George Tucker (2002) : Borrowings into Kisi as Evidence of Mande Expansionism and Influence
[24162] Childs, George Tucker (2003) : The Atlantic and Mande groups of Niger-Congo: A study in contrasts, a study in interaction
[4200] Clarke, W. R. E. (1941) : Mende phrase book
[4202] Claudi, Ulrike (1985) : Zur Enstehung von Genussystemen: Überlegungen zu einigen theoretischen Aspekten, verbunden mit einer Fallstudie des Zande
[4209] Claudi, Ulrike (1994) : Word order change as category change: the Mande case
[4432] Colombel, Véronique de (1998) : Les pronoms dans une dizaine de langues des monts du Mandara (avec tableaux comparatifs des pronoms)
[4620] Coupez, André (1987) : Traces d’harmonie vocalique à croisement de hauteur en nande (bantou D42)
[4644] Cowper, Elizabeth & Keren Rice (1985) : The destruction of tonal structure in Mende
[28453] Crane, Thera Marie & Bastian Persohn (2021) : Actionality and aspect in Southern Ndebele and Xhosa, two Nguni languages of South Africa
[4728] Creissels, Denis (1997) : Postpositions as a possible origin of certain predicative markers in Mande
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[4894] Dalby, David (1967) : A survey of the indigenous scripts of Liberia and Sierra Leone: Vai, Mende, Loma, Kpelle and Bassa
[5028] Davies, Ian R. L. , Christina Davies & Greville G. Corbett (1994) : The basic colour terms of Ndebele
[25460] Davydov, Artem (2010) : Historical Morpholog'j of Personal Pronouns in Manding
[27682] Degbe, Joseph , Musafiri Grodya , Tshimanga Ntumba & Helma Pasch (2019) : Quatre Textes Zande
[5217] Derive, Marie-José & K. Atin (1977) : Éléments de bibliographie pour un inventaire des études linguistiques sur les langues mandé
[5252] Dezeeuw, Peter [Howard] (1979) : Western Mande compound tone rules
[5282] Diagne, Pathé (1978) : Manuel de conversation/Conversation hand-book. Wolof: Francais, English; Mandeng: Français, English; Pulaar: Français, English
[25922] Diallo, Abdourahmane (2010) : Morphological consequences of Mande borrowings in Fula: the case of Pular, Fuuta-Jaloo
[5350] Diata, M. (1981) : Étude descripto-comparative des démonstratifs soonde (H56), suku (H32) et mbala (H41)
[5387] Dijkmans, Joseph J. M. (1965) : Zande-woordkunst
[5486] Djarangar, Djita Issa (1988) : Le système tonal du bedjonde (sara/Tchad)
[5487] Djarangar, Djita Issa (1989) : Description phonologique et grammaticale de bédjonde, parler sara de Bédiondo, Tchad
[5510] Dobronravin, Nikolai (2000) : Hausa, Songhay and Mande Languages in Nigeria: multilingualism in Kebbi and Sokoto
[5689] Downing, Laura J. (2000) : Morphological and prosodic constraints on Kinande verbal reduplication
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[5775] Dugast, Idelette (1951) : Petit vocabulaire bandem
[5854] Dwyer, David J. (1971) : Mende tone
[5855] Dwyer, David J. (1973) : The comparative tonology of southwestern Mande nominals
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[5859] Dwyer, David J. (1978) : Idiosyncratic suprasegmental processes in Mende
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[5865] Dwyer, David J. (1985) : A segmental, automelodic view of Mende tone
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[5923] Eberl-Elber, R. (1937) : Zum konsonantischen Anlautwechsel in der Sprachengruppe Gbande-Loma-Mende
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[5927] Eberle, Eva-Maria (2001) : Zur Grammatikalisierung von Adpositionen in den Mande-Sprachen: ein Vergleich
[6379] Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1954) : A Zande slang language
[6380] Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1961) : A note on bird cries and others sounds in Zande
[6381] Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1962) : Ideophones in Zande
[6382] Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1963) : Meaning on Zande proverbs
[6391] Eyassu Nega (2003) : The morphology of Endegegne
[24416] Fisher, M.K. (1963) : Lunda-Ndembu handbook
[23401] Fleisch, Axel (2005) : A cognitive semantic approach to the linguistic construal of UPPER SPACE in Southern Ndebele
[27734] Fleisch, Axel & Lotta Aunio (2019) : Introduction
[6798] Foster, C. S. (1960) : Lessons in Kikaonde
[6833] Fraas, Pauline A. (1961) : A Nande-English and English-Nande dictionary
[6918] Friedrich, Johannes (1938) : Die Silbenschrift des Mende-Nejus Kisami Kamara
[6952] Furere, M. (1967) : Esquisse grammaticale de la langue nande
[7016] Galtier, Gérard (1972) : Correspondances phonétiques et lexicales dans les langues mandé-nord
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[7336] Goemaere, A. (19--) : Spraakleer van het londengese
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[7373] Goldsmith, John Anton (1985) : Tone in KiHunde
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[27502] Green, Christopher R. (2018) : A survey of word-level replacive tonal patterns in Western Mande
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[7689] Grégoire, Claire (1980) : Les structure sous-jacente des relatives en mandé-nord
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[25265] Grollemund, Rebecca (2006) : Les Okandé du Gabon, locuteurs d’une langue en danger (langue bantoue du groupe B 30) - Langue et culture
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[7825] Guerreiro, Manuel Viegas (1963) : Rudimentos de língua maconde
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[7863] Gusimana, Barthelemey (1972) : Dictionnaire pende-français
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[8052] Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1961) : Notes on the early study of some West African languages (Susu, Bullom/Sherbro, Temne, Mende, Vai and Yoruba)
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[8097] Halaoui, Nazam , N. Tear & M. Trabi (1983) : Atlas des langues mandé-sud de Côte d’Ivoire
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[8938] Hoffman, Barbara (1990) : The power of speech: language and social status among Mande griots and nobles
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[23497] Hunter, Linda & Matthew Joko Sengova (1979) : Spoken Mende: conversations and paradigms
[9436] Hyman, Larry Michael (1973) : Notes on the history of southwestern Mande
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[27736] Jallow, Isalee , Maikki Järvi , Niina Väisänen , Mimi Nokuthula Masango & Axel Fleisch (2019) : Language dynamics among speakers of Sindebele
[9902] Joabe-Mahemu wa Kaoma (1977) : Notes d’introduction à l’anthroponymie hunde
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[26164] Jones, Patrick Jackson (2012) : Glide Formation in Kinande Does Not Neutralize an Underlying [ATR] Contrast
[27052] Jones, Patrick Jackson (2014) : Tonal interaction in Kinande : cyclicity, opacity, and morphosyntactic structure
[10175] Kabuyaya, Kalondero (1994?) : Éléments de phonologie nande (J42)
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[10488] Kastenholz, Raimund (1979) : Essai de classification des dialectes Mandé-kan
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[10501] Kastenholz, Raimund (1994) : Homorganer Nasal und Silbenstruktur der West-Mande-Sprachen aus vergleichender Sicht
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[10504] Kastenholz, Raimund (1997) : Some notes on the TAM-system of Jogo and its implications for comparative grammar within Western Mande
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[10509] Katada, Fusa (1989) : The anaphoric system of Kinande
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[25201] Kenstowicz, Michael (2008) : On the Origin of Tonal Classes in Kinande Noun Stems
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[25462] Khachaturyan, Maria (2010) : The syntactic approach to pronominal systems in South and South-western Mande languages
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