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45 titres trouvés
[400] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Ngessimo M. Mutaka (2001) : Tone in the infinitive in Kinande: an OT analysis
[1832] Baudet, Guibert (1947) : Eléments de grammaire kinande, suivis d’un vocabulaire kinande-français et français-kinande
[1885] Bbemo, Musubaho Tseme M. (1978) : Pronom de liaison en bantu: le cas du kinande (D.42)
[1886] Bbemo, Musubaho Tseme M. (1982) : Le kinande, langue bantue de l’est du Congo (D 42): phonologie et morphologie
[1887] Bbemo, Musubaho Tseme M. (1983) : Synthématique du verbe nande (D 42)
[22977] Black, Cheryl A. (1995) : Boundary tones on word-internal domains in Kinande
[4620] Coupez, André (1987) : Traces d’harmonie vocalique à croisement de hauteur en nande (bantou D42)
[5689] Downing, Laura J. (2000) : Morphological and prosodic constraints on Kinande verbal reduplication
[6833] Fraas, Pauline A. (1961) : A Nande-English and English-Nande dictionary
[6952] Furere, M. (1967) : Esquisse grammaticale de la langue nande
[9149] Hualde, José Ignacio (1989) : Double object constructions in Kinande and case theory
[9470] Hyman, Larry Michael & Nzama [Kambale] Valinande (1985) : Globality in the Kinande tone system
[28848] Irimia, Monica Alexandrina & Patricia Schneider-Zioga (2021) : Differential marking in Kinande
[26164] Jones, Patrick Jackson (2012) : Glide Formation in Kinande Does Not Neutralize an Underlying [ATR] Contrast
[27052] Jones, Patrick Jackson (2014) : Tonal interaction in Kinande : cyclicity, opacity, and morphosyntactic structure
[10175] Kabuyaya, Kalondero (1994?) : Éléments de phonologie nande (J42)
[10241] Kahindo-Lufungula, Muhesi (1981) : Description syntaxique du nande
[10261] Kakule, M. K. (1983) : Du jeu au symbolisme: étude de textes de la littérature orale nande par l’approche ethnolinguistique
[10509] Katada, Fusa (1989) : The anaphoric system of Kinande
[10549] Kavutirwaki, Kambale (1978) : Lexique nande-français, français-nande
[25128] Kavutirwaki, Kambale & Ngessimo M. Mutaka (2008) : Kinande/Konzo - English Dictionary with an English - Kinande/Konzo index
[29090] Kavutirwaki, Kambale & Ngessimo M. Mutaka (2012) : Dictionnaire kinande-français
[25201] Kenstowicz, Michael (2008) : On the Origin of Tonal Classes in Kinande Noun Stems
[26040] Kenstowicz, Michael (2008) : On the Origin of Tonal Classes in Kinande Noun Stems
[13538] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1995) : Vowel harmony in Kinande
[14638] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1990) : The lexical tonology of Kinande
[14639] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1990) : The tone bearing unit in Kinande
[14640] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1991) : The suffixal tense marker -ire in the Kinande verb stem: evidence for a stratally organized phonology
[14641] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1991) : Vowel harmony in Kinande
[14643] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1994) : The lexical tonology of Kinande
[14644] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1995) : Prosodic circumscription of morphological domains: the case of Kinande verbal forms
[14647] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (2000/01) : Interaction of imbrication and reduplication in Kinande
[22522] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1989) : Tonal evidence for an INFL cycle in the Kinande verb
[14637] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. & Larry Michael Hyman (1990) : Syllables and morpheme integrity in Kinande reduplication
[16871] Progovac, Ljiljana (1993) : Non-augmented NPs in Kinande as negative polarity items
[18076] Schlindwein Schmidt, Deborah (1987) : P-bearing units: a study of Kinande vowel harmony
[18115] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia (1995) : Specifier/head agreement in Kinande
[26846] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia (2015) : Additive Focus in Kinande
[26847] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia (2015) : The Linker in Kinande Re-examined
[28027] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia (2019) : On the licensing of nominals in Kinande
[27005] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia & Philip Ngessimo Mutaka (2015) : Copular Clauses in Kinande
[27006] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia & Philip Ngessimo Mutaka (2015) : Small Clauses and Secondary Predication in Kinande
[27007] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia & Philip Ngessimo Mutaka (2015) : The Linker in Kinande: A Predication Relation
[28336] Schneider-Zioga, Patricia & Philip Ngessimo Mutaka (2021) : The syntax and semantics of helping: Sociative causation in Kinande
[20224] Valinande, Nzama [Kambale] (1984) : The structure of Kinande