66 langues concernées

30 titres trouvés

[28986]   Brinneman, Carol & Neal Brinneman (eds.) (2015) : Lama – French – English Dictionary
[23119]   Brinneman, R. Neal (1983) : Rélations interpropositionelles temporelles dans le lama
[8741]   Heusing, Gerald (1999) : Aspects of the morphology-syntax interface in four Nigerian languages
[8742]   Heusing, Gerald (2000) : Defective double object constructions in Lamang (Central Chadic)
[27361]   Kparou, Hanoukoume Cyril (2014) : Propriétés morphosyntaxiques des idéophones en lama
[16066]   Ourso, Méterwa A. (1989) : Lama phonology and morphology
[16067]   Ourso, Méterwa A. (1989) : Phonological processes in the noun class system of Lama
[16068]   Ourso, Méterwa A. & Charles H. Ulrich (1990) : Sonorant-strengthening in Lama
[27364]   Ourso, Méterwa A. & Hanoukoume Cyril Kparou (2014) : Traits syntaxiques des formes verbales homophones-homotones en lama : Polysémie ou homonymie ?
[27362]   Pali, Tchaa (2013) : Le morphème /rə-/ et la problématique des idéophones en lama
[25287]   Rongier, Jacques (2003) : Documents lexicaux donnés au LLACAN par l’auteur
[27363]   Simnara, Komi (2013) : La qualification en lama
[28206]   Simnara, Komi (2019) : L’expression des émotions en Lama (Gur, Togo)
[20153]   Ulrich, Charles H. (1994) : Diphtongization in the Refal dialect of Lama
[20154]   Ulrich, Charles H. (1994) : Diphtongization of short vowels in Lama and elsewhere
[20155]   Ulrich, Charles H. (1995) : Labial dissimilation in two Lama dialects
[20156]   Ulrich, Charles H. (1999) : Verb root structure in Lama
[20157]   Ulrich, Charles H. (2001) : Labial-tone interaction in Lama verbs
[28191]   Wolff, Ekkehardt H. (2015) : The Lamang Language and Dictionary: Documenting Gwàɗ Làmàŋ - Endangered Central Chadic Language in Northeastern Nigeria
[28192]   Wolff, Ekkehardt H. (2015) : The Lamang Language and Dictionary: Documenting Gwàɗ Làmàŋ - Endangered Central Chadic Language in Northeastern Nigeria
[21412]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (1974) : Sprachliche Manisfestationen des Kollektiv-Denkens der Lamang (Nordostnigeria)
[21421]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (1980) : Sprachkunst der Lamang
[21430]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (1983) : A grammar of the Lamang language (Gwàd Làmàng)
[21450]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2004) : Segments and prosodies in Chadic: on descriptive and explanatiry adequacy, historical reconstructions, and the status of Lamang-Hdi
[24337]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2006) : Suffix Petrification and Prosodies in Central Chadic (Lamang-Hdi)
[24857]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2007) : Reduplication, aspect, and predication focus in Central Chadic : What Lamang and Hdi tell about Malgwa verb morphology
[25176]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2009) : The impact of clause types and focus control, aspect, modality, and referentiality on negation in Lamang and Hdi (Central Chadic)
[26522]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2013) : On the diachronics of Chadic tone systems – From pitch to tone in Lamang-Hdi
[28501]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2008-2009) : Language variation, theoretical preoccupations and the Lamang-Hdi language continuum in Central Chadic
[21621]   Yu, Ella Ozier (1991) : Theoretical aspects of noun classes in Lama