11 langues concernées

36 titres trouvés

[22133]   [Anonymous] (196-) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir Kwanyama
[22164]   [Anonymous] (1966) : Kwanyama spelreëls/orthography 1
[22195]   [Anonymous] (1971) : Kwanyama: taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22212]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Kwanyama taalkunde en rekekunde: terminologielys
[22213]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Kwanyama spelreëls/orthography 2
[22230]   [Anonymous] (1975) : Kwanyama spelreëls/orthography 2
[5346]   Diarra, Boubacar (1990) : Gramática oxikwanyama
[5316]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: kwanyama
[5317]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Alfabetos das línguas kikoongo, kimbundu, umbundu, cokwe, mbunda, oxikwanyama
[5339]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-oxikwanyama
[5340]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de matemática português-oxikwanyama
[6812]   Fourie, David J. (1991) : Cardinal directions in Ndonga, Kwanyama, Herero and Nama: a cognitive linguistic analysis
[27607]   Halme-Berneking, Riikka (2014) : Melodic High in Mbadja and Kwanyama
[27637]   Halme-Berneking, Riikka (2017) : Oshikwanyama Locative Enclitics (and their Non-locative Functions)
[8125]   Halme, Riikka (1998) : Tone in Kwanyama nouns
[8126]   Halme, Riikka (2001) : Research on Kwanyama tone
[8127]   Halme, Riikka (2004) : A tonal grammar of Kwanyama
[8146]   Hamutumua, M. (1996) : Oshikwanyama after Namibian independence: focus on the contribution of the Oshikwanyama Curriculum Committee
[8302]   Hasheela, Paavo (1996) : The teaching of Oshikwanyama in lower primary schools
[8303]   Hasheela, Paavo & Wolfgang Zimmermann (1998) : Oshikwanyama grammar
[9393]   Hurskainen, Arvi & Riikka Halme (2001) : Mapping between disjoining and conjoining writing systems in Bantu languages: implementation on Kwanyama
[11898]   Legère, Karsten (1998) : Oshikwanyama in Namibia
[21748]   Ntondo, Zavoni (1991) : Éléments de description du kwanyama langue bantoue d’Angola (R21)
[21749]   Ntondo, Zavoni (1998) : The sociolinguistic situation of Oshikwanyama in Angola
[17532]   Roxburgh, J. A. (1980) : Segmental phonology and morphology in Kwanyama
[18395]   Shaketange, Lydia (1996) : The role of Oshikwanyama in functional literacy
[18982]   Steinbergs, Aleksandra (1975) : The role of MSC’s in Oshikwanyama loan phonology
[18984]   Steinbergs, Aleksandra (1985) : Loanwords and MSC’s in Oshikwanyama
[19721]   Tobias, George Wolfe Robert & Basil Henry Capes Turvey (1954) : English-Kwanyama dictionary
[19834]   Tönjes, Herrmann (1954) : Kwanyama grammar and syntax
[20108]   Turvey, Basil Henry Capes (1977) : Kwanyama-English dictionary
[20365]   Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens (1979) : Die kopulatief in Ndonga en Kwanyama
[20567]   Vuuren, Willem Johannes Hendrik Jacobus Janse van (1966) : Die ortografie en klankstelsel van Kwanyama en Ndonga
[21655]   Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1997) : A tentative tonal analysis of Kwanyama verbs
[21880]   Zimmermann, Wolfgang (1971) : Die selfstandige naamwoord in Kwanyama: ’n oorsig oor die vorm en inhoud
[21887]   Zimmermann, Wolfgang & Paavo Hasheela (1998) : Oshikwanyama grammar