4 langues concernées
11 titres trouvés
[26423] Botne, Robert Dale (2014) : Resultatives, Remoteness, and Innovation in Eastern and Southern Bantu T/A Systems
[8838] Hinnebusch, Thomas J. , Derek Nurse & Martin [Joel] Mould (1981) : Studies in the classification of Eastern Bantu languages
[9192] Huffman, Thomas N. & Robert K. Herbert (1994/95) : New perspectives on Eastern Bantu
[10605] Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1971) : Niger-Congo, Eastern Bantu
[14721] Myers, Amy (1975) : Complementizer choice in selected Eastern Bantu languages
[26484] Nicolle, Steve (2014) : Discourse functions of demonstratives in Eastern Bantu narrative texts
[27041] Nicolle, Steve (2017) : Variation in the expression of information structure in eastern Bantu languages
[26578] Philippson, Gérard (2013) : Southern Cushitic loans in North-Eastern Bantu – a reconsideration of the evidence
[16744] Poulos, George (1985) : Typological trends in South-Eastern Bantu
[16745] Poulos, George (1985) : Instances of semantic bleaching in South-Eastern Bantu
[16751] Poulos, George (1999) : Grammaticalisation in south-eastern Bantu and the linguistic ‘dynamics’ underlying this process