166 langues concernées
54 titres trouvés
[22132] [Anonymous] (196-) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir Ndonga
[22163] [Anonymous] (1966) : Ndonga spelreëls/orthography 1
[22194] [Anonymous] (1971) : Ndonga: taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22211] [Anonymous] (1973) : Ndonga taalkunde en rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22215] [Anonymous] (1973) : Ndonga spelreëls/orthography 2
[22231] [Anonymous] (1975) : Ndonga spelreëls/orthography 2
[22365] [Anonymous] (1996) : English-Ndonga dictionary
[1828] Baucom, Kenneth L. & P. P. P. Nambundunga (1974) : Pocket oshiNdonga dictionary
[3631] Calteaux, K. V. (1989) : Study guide for Ndonga I: phonetics and phonology
[4959] Dammann, Ernst (1957) : Stimmlose Nasale im Ndonga
[6667] Fivaz, Derek (1984) : Predication in Ndonga
[6668] Fivaz, Derek (1986) : A reference grammar of Oshindonga
[6669] Fivaz, Derek (2003) : A reference grammar of Oshindonga
[6810] Fourie, David J. (1991) : On the modal system of Ndonga
[6812] Fourie, David J. (1991) : Cardinal directions in Ndonga, Kwanyama, Herero and Nama: a cognitive linguistic analysis
[10754] Kieckers, E. (1931) : Die Ndonga-Gruppe
[11794] Lebzelter, Viktor (1936) : Zur Kindesprache der Oondonga (Amboland, Südwestafrika)
[13321] Mbenzi, P. A. (1996) : Oshindonga in basic education
[13322] Mbenzi, P. A. & O. N. Iithete (1996) : English-Oshindonga dictionary (for primary schools)/Embwiitya lyOshiingilisa nOshindonga
[27902] Meek, Charles Kingsley (1931) : A Sudanese Kingdom - An Ethnographical Study of The Jukun-speaking Peoples of Nigeria
[15395] Nujoma, Anna (1996) : The impact of Oshindonga in the National Literacy Programme
[16038] Otten, Dirk (1995) : Temporale und lokale Adverbien und Adverbialen im Oshindonga (Owambosprache Namibias)
[16342] Pentti, Elias Johannes (195-) : Ndongalais-suomalainen alkeissanasto [Elementary Ndonga-Finnish vocabulary]
[16343] Pentti, Elias Johannes (1957) : Suomalais-ndongalainen alkeissanasto [Elementary Finnish-Ndonga vocabulary]
[16344] Pentti, Elias Johannes (1980) : Ndongan kielen sanakirja
[18440] Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[19698] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1953) : Aantekeninge oor die klank- en vormleer van Ndonga
[19699] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1955) : Phonology of Ndonga
[19700] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1957) : Über semantische Tonhöhen in Ndonga
[19701] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1958) : Ndonga opas [A guide to Ndonga]
[19702] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1958) : Phonology of Ndonga
[19703] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1960) : Praktiese Ndonga
[19704] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1965) : Oompango dhOshindonga: ooform I-III
[19705] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1971) : Praktiese Ndonga
[19706] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1975) : Praktiese Ndonga
[19707] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1977) : Ndongan kielen oppikirja [Textbook of the Ndonga language]
[19708] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1977) : Oshindonga shetu
[19709] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1980) : Ndongan kielen sanakirja
[19710] Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1986) : Ndonga-English dictionary
[20356] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens (1973) : Die konjugasie en die werkewoord in Ndonga
[20360] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens (1975) : Assimilasie in Ndonga
[20365] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens (1979) : Die kopulatief in Ndonga en Kwanyama
[20359] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens (Ed) (1975) : Oshike? Otjike? Alltägliche Redensarten und Fragen im Farmbetrieb und Haushalt mit einer kurzen Übersicht über die Lautlehre des Ndonga und Herero
[20355] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1973) : Ndonga I: manual for Ndonga
[20357] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1973-1975) : Ndonga
[20358] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1974) : Ndonga I: manual for Ndonga
[20361] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1975) : Ndonga II: workbook for grammar
[20362] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1975) : Ndonga III: guide to the reader
[20363] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1975) : Ndonga-Afrikaans-English. Drietalige woordeboek/Tri-lingual dictionary/Embwiitya pamalaka gatatu
[20368] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens & Petrus Amakali (1984) : Oshindonga woordeboek/dictionary/embwiitya
[20370] Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens , Petrus Amakali & M. Namuandi (1994) : Oshindonga-English/English-Oshindonga embwiitya/dictionary
[20567] Vuuren, Willem Johannes Hendrik Jacobus Janse van (1966) : Die ortografie en klankstelsel van Kwanyama en Ndonga
[21225] Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[21658] Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1998) : A tentative tonal analysis of Ndonga verbs