467 langues concernées
108 titres trouvés
[66] Abebe Gebre-Tsadik (1982) : Derived nominals in Sidamo
[67] Abebe Gebre-Tsadik (1985) : An overview of the morphological structure of Sidamo verbs
[69] Abebe Gebre-Tsadik (1986) : Sidamo verbal phonology (generative approach)
[185] Adana Siyom (1971) : Verbal morphology in Sidamo
[709] Anbessa Teferra (1984) : Sidamo verb morphology: some inflections and derivations
[711] Anbessa Teferra (1987) : Complement clauses in Sidamo: a transformational generative approach
[769] Anderson, Stephen Craig (1980) : The noun class system of Amo
[26219] Bao Diop, Sokhna (2013) : Description du baynunk guñaamolo, langue minoritaire du sénégal : analyse phonologique, morphologique et syntaxique
[26888] Bao Diop, Sokhna (2015) : Les classes nominales en nyun gunyamolo
[27073] Bao Diop, Sokhna (2017) : Le baynunk guñaamolo - Une langue du sud du Sénégal
[2045] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1974) : Mutual intelligibility within Sidamo
[2042] Bender, Marvin Lionel & Robert L. Cooper (1971) : Mutual intelligibility within Sidamo
[2192] Benyam Abbebe (1988) : The phonology of Rayyo Oramo
[2263] Berthelette, John (2001) : Sociolinguistic survey report for the San (Samo) language
[28655] Beyer, Klaus (2012) : H2. Samoma
[27291] Bodian, Lamine (2014) : Morphosyntaxe du guñaamolo, parler de baïnounk de Niamone
[27326] Bodian, Lamine (2017) : Morphosyntaxe du guñaamolo, parler de baïnounk de niamone
[24072] Bühnen, Stefan (1988) : Lexique comparatif des dialectes Baɲun et de Kasanga et Cobiana
[3866] Casali, Roderic F. (1995) : NCs in Moghamo: prenasalized onsets or heterosyllabic clusters?
[3935] Cerulli, Enrico (1938) : La lingua e la storia dei Sidamo
[4047] Chiamo, G. (1938) : Brevi appunti di lingua uollamo
[4117] Chiomio, Giovanni (1938) : Brevi appunti di lingua uollamo (A.O.I.): grammatica e dizionario
[26794] Cobbinah, Alexander & Friederike Lüpke (2014) : When number meets classification ; The linguistic expression of number in Baïnounk languages
[26894] Creissels, Denis , Sokhna Bao Diop , Alain‑Christian Bassène , Mame Thierno Cissé , Alexander Cobbinah , El Hadji Dieye , Dame Ndao , Sylvie Nouguier‑Voisin , Nicolas Quint , Marie Renaudier , Adjaratou Sall & Guillaume Segerer (2015) : L'impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne
[4881] Dakin, J. C. (1---) : A vocabulary of Karamojong
[4948] Dammann, Ernst (1934/35) : Zur Kenntnis der Zaramo
[4974] Dammann, Ernst (1969) : Der sog. Artikel im Zaramo
[5495] Djilla, Mama , Bart Eenkhoorn & Jacqueline Eenkhoorn-Pilon (2004) : Phonologie du jôwulu (“samogho”): langue mandé du Mali et du Burkina Faso
[27314] Dole, Jibir Audu Janga , Umaru Mamu Goge & Isa Adamu Gashinge (2009) : Ngamo-English-Hausa dictionary
[5603] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1973) : Glagolnye okonchaniia v vostochno-sidamskikh i irakvskikh iazykakh [Verb endings in the East Sidamo and Iraqw languages]
[5929] Ebermann, Erwin (1990) : Possessivsätze im Samo von Bangasoko (Burkina Faso)
[25186] Ebermann, Erwin (2009) : From double negation to portmanteau: Comparative sentence negation in Northern Samo
[28882] Edward, Mary (2020) : Lexical iconicity in Adamorobe Sign Language (AdaSL) and Ghanaian Sign Language (GSL)
[6403] Éva, Hompó (1990) : Grammatical relations in Gamo: a pilot sketch
[7105] Gasparini, Armido (1978) : Grammatica pratica della lingua sidamo
[7106] Gasparini, Armido (1983) : Sidamo-English dictionary
[27753] Grubic, Mira , Agata Renans & Reginald Akuoko Duah (2019) : Focus, exhaustivity and existence in Akan, Ga and Ngamo
[8397] Hayward, Richard J. (1994) : A preliminary analysis of the behaviour of pitch in Gamo
[8493] Heine, Bernd & Rainer Vossen (1975/76) : Zur Stellung der Ongamo-Sprache (Kilimandscharo)
[27099] Hirut Wolde-Mariam (2005) : Gamo: A Dialect Variant or a Group with its Own Dialects?
[8890] Hochstetler, J. Lee (1994) : Enquete linguistique sur la langue duungoma: une langue samogo parlée au Mali et au Burkina Faso
[8935] Hoeth, Sabine (2001) : Comportement linguistique des locuteurs du samo du sud
[9162] Hudson, Grover (1969) : Towards a generative phonology of Sidamo
[9200] Hulley, D. M. (1923) : Vocabulary and grammar for use in Turkana, Karamoja and Tapossa
[27609] Hyman, Larry (2014) : Tonal Melodies in the Lulamogi Verb
[27391] Hyman, Larry M. (2017) : Prefixal vowel length in Lulamogi: A stratal account
[24331] Ibriszimow, Dymitr (2006) : On the Verb in Ngamo
[27448] Jordan, Linda (2009) : A study of Shara and related Ometo speech varieties of Ethiopia
[10619] Kedrebeogo, Gérard (1997) : Tone in Samoma
[10621] Kedrebeogo, Gérard (2000) : La morphologie du verbe en samoma
[26489] Kedrebeogo, Gérard (1984) : Description phonologique du sàmòmá (parler de Loroni, Haute-Volta)
[24178] Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[11273] Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume I (“Plateau-Sahel”)
[11282] Krelle, H. (19--) : Wörterverzeichnis der Zaramo-Sprache
[11283] Krelle, H. (19--) : Grammatik der Dzalamosprache
[11825] Leeman, Bernard & informants (1994) : Ongamoi (KiNgassa): a Nilotic remnant of Kilimanjaro
[25376] Lem, Lilian & Edward Brye (2008) : Rapid appraisal sociolinguistic language survey of Ngamambo of Cameroon
[12003] Leslau, Wolf (1952) : The influence of Sidamo on the Ethiopic languages of Gurage
[12027] Leslau, Wolf (1959) : Sidamo features in South Ethiopic phonology
[12069] Leslau, Wolf (1980) : Proto-Sidamo *z
[24565] Lespinay, Charles de (1992) : Dictionnaire Baynunk (guñun-gujaxer-guhaca-gubòy)
[12439] Luchon, Pasquale da (1938) : Grammatica della lingua uallamo
[12535] Luzio, Aldo di (1972/73) : Preliminary description of the Amo language (Plateau Province, northern Nigeria)
[26599] Mbah, Mathaus N. (compiled by) (2013) : Moghamo - English Lexicon / English - Moghamo index
[27731] McPherson, Laura (2020) : On latent nasals in Samogo
[13670] Mesfin Haile Giorgis (1986) : The structure of dependent sentences in Sidamo
[14082] Moreno, Martino Mario (1937) : Appunti sulla lingua darasa Sidamo
[14087] Moreno, Martino Mario (1938) : I recenti studi italiani sulle lingue sidamo orientali e la loro classificazione
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[14156] Morse, Mary Lynn [Alice] (1967) : The question of ‘Samogo’
[14605] Murray, Robert & Theo Vennemann (1982) : Syllable contact change in Germanic, Greek and Sidamo
[27402] Ndao, Dame , Lamine Bodian , Arame Goudiaby & Sokhna Bao Diop (2016) : La négation en guñaamolo, langue atlantique parlée au Sénégal
[15405] Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[15416] Nurse, Derek & M. R. Kizara (1979) : Zalamo
[15760] Ohman, Walter A. & Fulass Hailu (1976) : Three other Ethiopian languages, 1: Welamo
[16189] Panconcelli-Calzia, Giulio (1920/21) : Verhauchte Nasalkonsonanten im Dzalamo
[27673] Penner Toews, Carmela Irene (2015) : Topics in Siamou Tense and Aspect
[26339] Petzell, Malin & Harald Hammarström (2013) : Grammatical and Lexical Comparison of the Greater Ruvu Bantu Languages
[16543] Platiel, Susanne (1972) : L’expression du temps en samo
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[16912] Prost, [Révérend] [Père] André (1981) : De la parenté des langues busa-boko avec le bisa et le samo
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[18190] Schuh, Russell Galen (1978) : Bole/Tangale Languages of the Bauchi Area (Northern Nigeria)
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[18323] Senayit Lemma (1982) : The morphophonemics of Sidamo
[18454] Shimizu, Kiyoshi (1982) : Ten more wordlists with analyses from the northern Jos group of Plateau languages
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[18535] Sileshi Worqineh, & Latamo Yohannes (1995) : Sidaamu-Amaaru-Ingilizete qaalla taashsho [Sidamo-Amharic-English dictionary]
[24297] Solomiac, Paul (1992) : La nasalite vocalique en samogho de samoghohiri
[18930] Stallcup, Kenneth Lyell (1978) : A comparative perspective on the phonology and noun classification of three Cameroon Grassfields Bantu languages: Moghamo, Ngie and Oshie
[19448] Taylor, Nicholas (1994) : Gamo syntax
[26109] Traoré, Kalifa & Nadine Bednarz (2008) : Mathématiques construites en contexte : une analyse du système de numération oral utilisé par les Siamous au Burkina Faso
[19964] Tsehai Berhane-Selassie (1975) : The question of dDamot and Wolamo
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[20540] Vossen, Rainer & Franz Rottland (1989) : The historical reconstruction of Proto-Ongamo-Maa: phonology and vocabulary
[20759] Wayland, E. J. (1931) : Preliminary studies of the tribes of Karamoja: the Labwor, the Wanderobo, the Dodotho, and the Jie; with a note concerning the Karamojong
[20794] Wedekind, Klaus (1979) : Sidamo, Gedeo (Derasa), Burji: phonological differences and likenesses
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[27339] Woldemariam, Hirut (1999) : The Linguistic Description of the Gamo Language
[27345] Woldemariam, Hirut (2005) : The Orthography for Wolaitta, Gamo, Gofa and Dawuro: Problems and Recommendations
[27342] Wondimu Gaga Gashe (2006) : Some Aspects of Sociolinguistic, Phonological and Morphological Descriptions of Gamo Dialects
[21456] Wondwosen, Tesfaye Abire (1983) : The simple declarative sentences in Sidamo
[21620] Yri, Kjell-Magne (1990) : A contribution to the understanding of assimilation and metathesis in Sidamo
[27431] Zelealem [Mollaligne] Leyew (2016) : The Description of Colour Terms in Ethiopian Languages