101 langues concernées
10 titres trouvés
[21978] [Anonymous] (1---) : Notes on the Zigua language
[22015] [Anonymous] (19--) : Zigua-English dictionary
[3229] Brenzinger, Matthias (1987) : East-African beekeping vocabularies: KiZigua
[10671] Kenstowicz, Michael J. (1989) : Tone and accent in Kizigua: a Bantu language?
[15405] Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[16366] Perrott, Daisy Valerie (19--) : Short Zigua grammar
[16367] Perrott, Daisy Valerie (19--) : Zigua-English dictionary
[26339] Petzell, Malin & Harald Hammarström (2013) : Grammatical and Lexical Comparison of the Greater Ruvu Bantu Languages
[17833] Sangai, G. R. Williams (1963) : Dictionary of native plant names in the Bondei, Shambaa and Zigua languages, with their English and botanical equivalents
[26848] Tse, Holman (2015) : The Diachronic Emergence of Retroflexion in Somali Bantu Kizigua: Internal Motivation or Contact-Induced Change?