6 langues concernées
16 titres trouvés
[643] Ambaw Demissie (1990) : The phonology of Zay: a generative approach
[1877] Baye Yimam (1990) : The structure of Zayse NPs
[7085] Gardner, Simon & Ralph Siebert (2001) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the Zay language area
[7280] Gardner, Simon & Ralph Siebert (1994) : Second S.L.L.E. survey of the Zay language area
[7279] Girard, Tim , Simon Gardner , Ralph Siebert & Klaus Wedekind (1994) : [Survey of the Zay language area]
[8046] Hailu Daniel (1988) : The verb morphology of Zayse
[8390] Hayward, Richard J. (1990) : Notes on the Zayse language
[8859] Hirut Wolde-Mariam (1988) : The noun morphology of Zayse
[13594] Mekonnen Gemmechu (1988) : The morphophonemics of Zay
[13708] Meyer, Ronny (2005) : Das Zay: deskriptive Grammatik einer Ostguragesprache (Äthiosemtisch)
[14561] Mulugeta Seyoum (1988) : Phonology of Zayse
[26477] Norris, H.T. (1970-71) : Future Prospects in Azayr Studies
[18431] Shikur Getu (1999) : Morphology of Zay
[18509] Siebert, Ralph , Lydia Hoeft & Matthias Brenzinger (1994) : Languages of the Abbaya/Chamo area: report - part I, with notes on Koorete
[19521] Teshome Yimer (1989) : The syntax of simple clauses in Zayse
[21564] Yalemdesta Mulugeta (2003) : Pronouns and pronominalization in Zayse