21 langues concernées
6 titres trouvés
[4453] Connell, Bruce A. (1991) : Phonetic aspects of the Lower-Cross languages and their implications for sound change
[10367] Kandjimi, J. (1996) : Activities of the Rukwangali Curriculum Committee
[10685] Kershner, Tiffany L. (2002) : The verb in Chisukwa: aspect, tense and time
[22626] Kershner, Tiffany L. (2002) : Imperfectivity in Chisukwa
[11016] Kloppers, J. K. , D. Nakare & L. M. Isala (1994) : Bukenkango Rukwangali - English, English Rukwangali dictionary
[14811] Nairenge, Karl (1996) : Rukwangali: a case-study report