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7 titres trouvés

[2907]   Bostock, Peter Geoffrey (1996) : A tentative short dictionary: English into Kidawida (or Kitaita)
[2908]   Bostock, Peter Geoffrey (1996) : A tentative short dictionary: Kidawida (or Kitaita) into English
[6033]   Ehret, Christopher & Derek Nurse (1981) : The Taita Cushites
[15408]   Nurse, Derek (1978) : The Taita-Chaga connection: linguistic evidence
[15428]   Nurse, Derek (1981) : Chaga/Taita
[26056]   Odden, David (2006) : Topics In Taita Tone II
[15645]   Odden, David [Arnold] (2001) : Tone shift and spread in Taita I