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16 titres trouvés

[6412]   Fabian, Johannes (1982) : Schratching the surface: observations on the poetics of lexical borrowing in Shaba Swahili
[6418]   Fabian, Johannes (1991) : Potopot: problems of documenting the history of spoken Swahili in Shaba
[10390]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1990) : Language variation and language attitudes: a case study from Shaba Swahili
[10391]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1991) : Language variation and change: a case study of Shaba Swahili
[10393]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1993) : Shaba Swahili and the processes of linguistic contact
[10395]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1998) : Impact of language variation and accommodation theory on language maintenance: an analysis of Shaba Swahili
[10396]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (2001) : Recreating a language: a socio-historical approach to the study of Shaba Swahili
[10397]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (2001) : A socio-historical linguistic approach to the study of Shaba Swahili: recreating the parent language
[15573]   Obeidat, Hussein Ali & N. Kapanga (1988) : The behavior of non-terms in Shaba Swahili: a relational approach
[17366]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1991) : Code switching and style shifting as discourse strategies in Shaba Swahili
[17367]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1995) : Shaba Swahili
[17368]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1995) : The status and use of the French complementizer QUE in Shaba Swahili discourse: a structural-functionalist account
[17369]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1996) : Cohesion through contrast: discourse structure in Shaba Swahili/French conversations
[17370]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1997) : Shaba Swahili: partial creolization due to second language learning and substrate pressure
[17371]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1998) : Problems of (re-)contextualizing and interpreting variation in oral and written Shaba Swahili
[17372]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (2000) : French discourse markers in Shaba Swahili conversations