59 langues concernées

7 titres trouvés

[4586]   Cosper, Ronald (1999) : Barawa lexicon: a wordlist of eight South Bauchi (West Chadic) languages - Boghom, Buli, Dott, Geji, Jimi, Polci, Sayanci and Zul
[25410]   Cosper, Ronald (2008) : Cross-Validation of Lexical Data in Chadic: A Comnparison of Sources in South Bauchi
[11273]   Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume I (“Plateau-Sahel”)
[18101]   Schneeberg, Nan (1974) : Sayanci phonology
[22786]   Schneeberg, Nan (1971) : Sayanci verb tonology
[18445]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi (1974) : Zaar (Sayanci) of Kàl: vocabulary and notes
[25400]   Takács, Gábor (Ed) (2008) : Semito-Hamitic festschrift for A.B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr