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10 titres trouvés

[1828]   Baucom, Kenneth L. & P. P. P. Nambundunga (1974) : Pocket oshiNdonga dictionary
[6668]   Fivaz, Derek (1986) : A reference grammar of Oshindonga
[6669]   Fivaz, Derek (2003) : A reference grammar of Oshindonga
[13321]   Mbenzi, P. A. (1996) : Oshindonga in basic education
[13322]   Mbenzi, P. A. & O. N. Iithete (1996) : English-Oshindonga dictionary (for primary schools)/Embwiitya lyOshiingilisa nOshindonga
[15395]   Nujoma, Anna (1996) : The impact of Oshindonga in the National Literacy Programme
[16038]   Otten, Dirk (1995) : Temporale und lokale Adverbien und Adverbialen im Oshindonga (Owambosprache Namibias)
[19704]   Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1965) : Oompango dhOshindonga: ooform I-III
[19708]   Tirronen, Toivo Emil (1977) : Oshindonga shetu
[20370]   Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens , Petrus Amakali & M. Namuandi (1994) : Oshindonga-English/English-Oshindonga embwiitya/dictionary