436 langues concernées
159 titres trouvés
[181] Adams, Charles (1982) : Lexical accession in Sharamboko: a camp language in Lesotho
[197] Adegbija, Efurosibina [Emmanuel] (2001) : Saving threatened languages in Africa: the case of Oko
[24845] Allison, Sean (2007) : Linguistic evidence for the islamization of the Makary Kotoko by the Kanuri
[25819] Allison, Sean (2009) : Derivation of the PAM System of Makary Kotoko
[27405] Allison, Sean (2017) : Conditional constructions in Makary Kotoko
[28199] Allison, Sean (2020) : A Grammar of Makary Kotoko
[28300] Allison, Sean (2015) : Borrowings? Yes! But diffusion? A case of language contact in the Lake Chad basin
[28306] Allison, Sean (2018) : The notion of ‘word’ in Makary Kotoko (Chadic, Cameroon)
[771] Anderson, Stephen Craig & Jeanette Swackhamer (1981) : From consonants to downstep in Podoko
[25522] Atindogbé, Gratien G. (2012) : On the typology of directional verbs in Bantu A (Barombi, Isubu, Mokpe, and Oroko)
[25677] Atoyebi, Joseph Dele (2010) : A Reference Grammar of Oko. A West Benue-Congo Language of North-Central Nigeria
[26207] Atóyèbí, Joseph Dele (2009) : On Nasals and Nasalization in Òko
[1318] Bakamba Mputu, Alphee (1997) : Morphologie du lokonda
[23786] Bals, Berit-Anne & Helene Norgaard Andreassen (2002) : Reduplication in progressive verb forms in Zina Kotoko
[23114] Bartels, Eric (1983) : Le ton en tchokossi: des réflections préliminaires
[23109] Bartels, Susan E. (1983) : Assimilation de la hauteur vocalique dans les formes impératives en tchokossi
[2577] Blench, Roger M. (1996) : Report on the Tarokoid languages
[27016] Blench, Roger M. , Philippe Aviwaï & Tony Smith (2009) : Baka: A highly endangered language of Northern Cameroun
[2688] Boeck, J. de (19--) : Vocabulaire lokonda-néerlandais/Vocabularium Lokonda
[2691] Boeck, J. de (1927) : Sprookjes uit het Lokonda
[2693] Boeck, J. de (1939) : Spraakkunst van het Lokonda [manuscrit remanié par N. van Everbroeck]
[2707] Boeck, L. B. de (1950) : De tonologie der naamwoorden van Iniele en Bokonzi
[26335] Boone, Douglas W. (1995) : Bangba Survey Report
[2989] Bouny, Paule (1978) : Un conte mandagué (parler kotoko)
[22595] Bow, Catherine (1997) : A description of Moloko phonology
[3270] Breton, Roland J. L. (1981) : Groupe A10: Lundu-Mbo, Oroko-Ngoe. Map of Oroko-Ngoe language group of SW Cameroon
[4034] Cheng Chin-Chuan, & Charles Wayne Kisseberth (1980) : Ikorovere Makua tonology ; part 2
[4036] Cheng Chin-Chuan, & Charles Wayne Kisseberth (1981) : Ikorovere Makua tonology ; part 3
[4039] Chesley, William & David Faris (1994) : Une enquête sociolinguistique parmi les Sokoro du Guera
[4453] Connell, Bruce A. (1991) : Phonetic aspects of the Lower-Cross languages and their implications for sound change
[4506] Cook, Thomas Louis (1976) : Doko, Uyaŋga, Basaŋga: a brief note
[4683] Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1978) : A study of the Pokot (Suk) language: grammar and vocabulary
[26261] Creissels, Denis (2013) : Le maninka du Niokolo (Sénégal oriental), esquisse phonologique et morphosyntaxique, liste lexicale, textes glosés
[5185] Denis, [Révérend] [Père] J. (19--) : Vocabulaire “babai”/bokoro, non-publié
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[5511] Dodo-Bounguendza, Eric (1988) : Le koko de Sogeland, langue bantou (A43) du Cameroun
[5659] Donwa-Ifode, Shirley O. (1982) : The sound system of Isoko
[5662] Donwa-Ifode, Shirley O. (1985) : The intonation system of Isoko
[5663] Donwa-Ifode, Shirley O. (1986) : Phonetic variation in consonants (Isoko)
[22760] Donwa-Ifode, Shirley O. (1986) : Isoko orthoghraphy
[5929] Ebermann, Erwin (1990) : Possessivsätze im Samo von Bangasoko (Burkina Faso)
[23835] Edika, E. Solange Félicité (1990) : Esquisse phonologique du bakoko, parler de Dibombari
[6140] Eliet, Edouard (1953) : Les langues spontanées, dites commerciales, du Congo : le monokotuba comparé au lingala et au lari de la région du Pool
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[26101] Fábùnmi, Felix Abídèmí (2009) : A GPSG Structure of Aspect in Yorùbá Àkókó
[6585] Fédry, Jacques (1971) : Quelques informations sur les langues du groupe ‘sokoro-mubi’
[6711] Florez, Fr. J. (1---) : An introduction to the Pokot grammar
[23908] Fokou Tamofo, Félix (2002) : Esquisse phonologique et principes orthographiques du wumboko
[6920] Friesen, Dan & Lisa Friesen (2001) : Extendibility survey of Oroko
[27198] Friesen, Dianne & Megan Mamalis (2017) : A grammar of Moloko
[6919] Friesen, Lisa (2000) : Discourse features of Oroko
[6922] Friesen, Lisa (2002) : Valence change and Oroko verb morphology (Mbonge dialect)
[7143] Geider, Thomas (1980) : Untersuchungen zu magischen und sozialen Vorstellungen der oberen Pokomo: Analyse und Interpretation von sechs Volkserzählungen und dazu geführten Interviews
[7144] Geider, Thomas (1985) : Pokomo lexical data on trees and their uses
[7145] Geider, Thomas (1989) : Beekeeping and honeywine in Pokomo culture, history and lexicography
[7404] Gordon, Robert James (1972) : Some sociological aspects of verbal communication in Okombahe, SWA: a community study
[7703] Griaule, Marcel (1941) : Vocabulaires papé, woko, koutinn, namtchi et séwé du Cameroun septentrional
[8138] Hamm, Cameron (2000) : A sociolinguistic survey of the Gvoko and Guduf languages of Cameroon and Nigeria
[8470] Heine, Bernd (1968) : Die Verbreitung und Gliederung der Togorestsprachen
[23791] Holmberg, Anders (2002) : Prepositions and PPs in Zina Kotoko
[9193] Huffman, Marie K. & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (1998) : The phonetic structure of ‘voiceless’ nasals in Pokomo: implications for sound change
[9270] Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1961) : Sur le parler doko
[9304] Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf & Mpongo Ilonga (1989) : Les verbes en lokonda
[9609] Innes, Gordon (1964) : An outline grammar of Loko, with texts
[9821] Jarvis, Elizabeth (1981) : Some considerations in establishing the basic word order in Podoko
[9822] Jarvis, Elizabeth (1983) : Podoko verbal directionals
[9823] Jarvis, Elizabeth (1984) : Suffixes verbaux en podoko: abstraction et réalisation
[9824] Jarvis, Elizabeth (1986) : Nominal and verbal pluralisation in Podoko
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[10064] Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1973) : Eine Wortliste des Oko, der Sprache von Ogori
[28486] Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (2005) : Notes sur le système verbal du Sokoro (République du Tchad)
[23175] Kargho, John Tommy (1975) : The effects of acoustic training and concept-attainment on the free-recall of the numerals in Loko, a tribal language in the Republic of Sierra Leone, West Africa
[27656] Kaye Jonathan, Jean Lowenstamm & Jean-Roger Vergnaud (1988) : Le système vocalique du kpokolo, La structure interne des éléments phonologiques: une théorie du charme et du gouvernement
[25439] Kenmogne, Michel (2000) : The lexical phonology of Bakoko
[27729] Kimball, Lee (1983) : A description of the grammar of Loko
[10941] Klein-Arendt, Reinhardt (1988) : Einfluss des Kuschitischen auf die Nordost-Bantusprachen Ilwana und “Lower Pokomo”: ein sprachlicher Vergleich auf der Grundlage des Kuschitischen Wortschatzes
[24178] Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[11791] Lebeuf, Annie M.-D. (1942) : Vocabulaires kotoko: makari, goulfei, kousséri, afadé
[11792] Lebeuf, Jean-Paul (1976) : Etudes kotoko
[12495] Lukas, Johannes & Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg (1980) : Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum Kotoko
[12690] Mafeni, B. O. W. (1969) : Isoko
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[12821] Makouta-Mboukou, Jean-Pierre (1967) : Substituts onomastiques du nom du mort chez les Sundi de Boko
[27973] Mangulu, André Motingea (2018) : Le lokonda des Ilángá la Bakonda - Un échantillon des langues inclassables du Bassin central congolais
[13225] Matsushita, Shuji (1991) : A basic vocabulary of the Sokoto Hausa
[13228] Matsushita, Shuji (1995) : /aC/ as a focus marker in Sokoto Hausa (Sakkwatancii)
[13354] McCallum Jones, Ross (1998) : The Boko/Busa language cluster
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[25058] Meyer, [P.] G. (1983) : Lexique élémentaire Malinké-Français, suivi dʼéléments de grammaire. Dialecte maninkaa du Niokolo (sous-préfecture de Bandafassi)
[13861] Miyamoto, R. (1989) : A note on some features of the Sokoto dialect of Fula
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[14054] Moñino, Yves (1995) : Le proto-gbaya: essai de linguistique comparative historique sur vingt-et-une langues d’Afrique centrale
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[28862] Mous, Maarten (2022) : Tone and the Verbal Systems of Nyokon
[14575] Munseke, Mʼvula (1974) : Aspects de la grammaire générative et transformationelle de la langue lokonda C.74
[26274] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. & Carl Ebobissé (1996-7) : The formation of labial-velars in Sawabantu: Evidence for feature geometry
[15047] Ngeye, Lokoka (1981) : Essai de tonologie naturelle pure en lokonda
[23785] Odden, David [Arnold] (2002) : The verbal tone system of Zina Kotoko
[15719] Ohirí-Aníche, Chinyere (1999) : Language diversification in the Akoko area of western Nigeria
[15832] Olderogge, Dmitry Alekseevich (1952) : Proiskhozhdenie narodov tsentral-nogo Sudana (iz drevneishei istorii yazykov gruppy Hausa-kotoko)
[28292] Olney, Hannah (2021) : The Determiner in Makary Kotoko Narrative Discourse: Attention Guidance and Salience
[26978] Olson, Kenneth S. , D. William Reiman Fernando Sabio & Filipe Alberto da Silva (2013) : The voiced linguolabial plosive in Kajoko
[16113] Oyebade, Francis O. (1985) : Oke-Akoko nasalisation and lexical phonology
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[24474] Persson, Andrew M. (1979) : A Dialect Study of the Jur Beli Cluster
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[17199] Rey-Hulman, Diana (1972) : Schéma d’analyse socio-linguistique de la notion de temps chez les Tyokossi
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[17364] Rood, N. (1962) : Lidoko et Mowea
[17614] Rupp, A. (1974) : Bericht über eine Forschungsreise zu den Pokomo und Giryama
[23790] Schmidt, Bodil Kappel (2002) : Zina Kotoko tense/aspect
[18084] Schmidt, Bodil Kappel , David [Arnold] Odden & Anders Holmberg (Ed) (2002) : Some aspects of the grammar of Zina Kotoko
[18449] Shimizu, Kiyoshi (1979) : Five wordlists with analyses from the northern Jos group of Plateau languages
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[23899] Shu, Abedhego Che (1993) : The noun class system of Oroko east
[18836] Sölken, Heinz (1967) : Seetzens Áffadéh: ein Beitrag zur Kotoko-Sprachdokumentation
[18855] Spears, Richard A. (1971) : Mende, Loko and Maninka tonal correspondences
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[19266] Swackhamer, Jeanette & Elizabeth Jarvis (1981) : Notes on the internal structure of Podoko narrative discourse
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[24173] Tanda, Vincent Ambe & Ayuʼnwi N. Neba (2005) : Negation in Mokpe and Two Related Coastal Bantu Languages of Cameroon
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[19819] Tourneux, Henry (1995) : Le système aspectual des langues dites “kotoko”
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