263 langues concernées
52 titres trouvés
[403] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Alexander U. Iwara (2004) : Transparency and opacity in Lokaa vowel harmony
[23511] Baker, Mark C. (2005) : On verb-initial and verb-final word orders in Lokaa
[1461] Bamisaye, T. O. (1984) : Aspects of Oka phonology
[2727] Bogers, Koen (1986) : A structural analysis of an Avokaya orphan tale: a preliminary investigation
[3310] Brosnahan, L. F. (1964) : Outlines of the phonology of the Gokana dialect of Ogoni
[3311] Brosnahan, L. F. (1967) : A wordlist of the Gokana dialect of Ogoni
[3623] Callinan, Lynne (1981) : A preliminary study of Avokaya phonemes
[3624] Callinan, Lynne (1986) : Sentence constructions in Avokaya
[4587] Costermans, B. J. (1955) : Logo-Avokaya als taalgroep
[24262] Creissels, Denis (1987-88) : Esquisse du système tonal du korokan
[24263] Creissels, Denis (1984) : Le système des marques prédicatives eu korokan
[28694] Declercq, Auguste (1900) : Eléments de la langue kanioka
[5418] Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1986) : Notes on Avokaya
[23882] Djiafeua, Prosper (1989) : Esquisse phonologique du mpumpung, parler de Yokadouma
[6648] Fisch, Maria (1985/87) : Ursprung und Bedeutung des Namens Okavango
[25265] Grollemund, Rebecca (2006) : Les Okandé du Gabon, locuteurs d’une langue en danger (langue bantoue du groupe B 30) - Langue et culture
[23427] Huang, Yan (2003) : Switch-reference in Amele and logophoric verbal suffix in Gokana: a generalized neo-Gricean pragmatic analysis
[9302] Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1988) : Le parler des Lokalo orientaux
[9464] Hyman, Larry Michael (1982) : The representation of length in Gokana
[9465] Hyman, Larry Michael (1982) : The representation of nasality in Gokana
[9467] Hyman, Larry Michael (1983) : Are there syllables in Gokana?
[9458] Hyman, Larry Michael & Bernard Comrie (1981) : Logophoric reference in Gokana
[9461] Hyman, Larry Michael & Bernard Comrie (1981) : Coreference and logophoricity in Gokana
[9665] Iwaara, (1991) : The tense system of Lokaa
[9668] Iwara, Alexander U. (1990) : A phonemic analysis of long vocoids and phonetic diphtongs in Lokaa
[9669] Iwara, Alexander U. (1995) : Some elements of Lokaa phonology revisited
[9670] Iwara, Alexander U. (2004) : The grammatical functions of tone in Lokaa
[22774] Iwara, Alexander U. (1982) : Phonology and grammar of Lokaa: a preliminary study
[23764] Iwara, Alexander U. (1994) : The vowel harmony system of Lokaa
[10813] Kilpatrick, Eileen (1981) : Avokaya predication
[10816] Kilpatrick, Eileen (1986) : Use of genitives in Avokaya
[10817] Kilpatrick, Eileen (2000) : Participant reference in Avokaya narrative texts
[23082] Kilpatrick, Eileen (1984) : General narratives and folk tales in Avokaya
[26064] Kilpatrick, Eileen & Leoma Gilley (2004) : The Importance Of Word Order In Explaining Tone Patterns In Avokaya Verbs
[25387] Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume II (“Biu-Mandara”)
[14210] Motingea Mangulu, André (1990) : Parlers riverains de l’entre Ubangi-Zaire: éléments de structure grammaticale
[14226] Motingea Mangulu, André (1996) : Étude comparative des langues ngiri de l’entre Ubangi-Zaire
[14230] Motingea Mangulu, André (1997) : La langue des Lokalo-Ngombe du territoire de Bokungu
[14856] Nasukawa, Kuniya (1995) : Nasality and harmony in Gokana
[15320] Noss, Philip A. (1973) : Four Gbaya dialects
[17090] Ratliff, Martha (1992) : Tone language type change in Africa and Asia: !Xu, Gokana and Mpi
[18440] Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[18942] Stappers, Leo (19--) : Kanyoka
[25901] Takada, Akira (2008) : Kinship and naming among the Ekoka !Xun
[19594] Thomas, Jacqueline M. C. (1958) : Description phonologique du parler ngbaka de Bokanga
[19598] Thomas, Jacqueline M. C. (1963) : Le parler ngbaka de Bokanga: phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe
[26221] Van der Veen, Lolke (2011) : Projet ALGAB (Atlas Linguistique du Gabon)
[20285] Veen, Lolke J. van der (1991) : Étude comparée des parlers du groupe okani (B.30 Gabon)
[22706] Veen, Lolke J. van der (1989) : Doubles réflexes dans quelques langues du groupe okani (Gabon)
[22793] Vopnu, S. K. (1991) : Phonological processes and syllable structures in Gokana
[20606] Wagner, D. (1985) : Objects in Gokana
[21225] Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist