16 langues concernées

84 titres trouvés

[22253]   [Anonymous] (1978) : Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2-6 juillet 1975
[22374]   [Anonymous] (1997) : Actes de la 8ème conférence internationale des études nubiennes, Lille, 11-17 septembre 1994
[29119]   Abdallah, Kamal Hussein & Marcus Jaeger (2022) : Preliminary study of deontic modality in Andaandi Nubian
[33]   Abdel-Hafiz, Ahmed Sokarno (1988) : A reference grammar of Kunuz Nubian
[26645]   Abdel-Hafiz, Ahmed-Sokarno (2015) : Focus Constructions in Kunuz Nubian
[79]   Abel, Herbert (1921) : Die Verbalformen des abhängigen Satzes (Subjunktiv und Infinitive) im Nubischen
[26639]   Alamin, Suzan (2014) : Noun Phrase Constructions in Nubian Languages: A Comparative Study
[1001]   Armbruster, Charles Hubert (1960) : Dongolese Nubian: a grammar
[1002]   Armbruster, Charles Hubert (1965) : Dongolese Nubian: a lexicon
[1211]   Ayyub, Abd al Rahman M. (1952) : The verbal system in a dialect of Nubian
[1212]   Ayyub, Abd al Rahman M. (1968) : The verbal system in a dialect of Nubian (being a description of the verbal function in the structures called “relatio” and “relatio adjunct”, as spoken in the Halfa district)
[1930]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (1984/85) : Sprachliche und historische Rekonstruktionen in Bereich des Nubischen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Nilnubischen
[1935]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (1989) : “Nile-Nubian” reconsidered
[1937]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (1996) : Sprachwandel durch Sprachkontakt am Beispiel des Nubischen im Niltal: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer diachronen Soziolinguistik
[1934]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (Ed) (1989) : Nubier und Kuschiten im Niltal: Sprach- und Kulturkontakte im “no man’s land”
[1932]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne & Heike Behrend (1985) : “Libyans” - “Nubians”: mutations of an ethnonym
[1997]   Behrens, Peter (1981) : C-Group-Sprache - Nubisch - Tu Bedawiye: ein sprachliches Sequenzmodell und seine geschichtlichen Implikationen
[2011]   Bell, Herman (1968) : The tone system of Mahas Nubian
[2013]   Bell, Herman (1970) : The phonology of Nobíín Nubian
[2015]   Bell, Herman (1973) : An extinct Nubian language in Kordofan
[2016]   Bell, Herman (1975) : Documentary evidence on the Haraza Nubian language
[24959]   Bell, Herman (2006) : Birgid Nubian: Recording a Nearly Extinct Language
[2538]   Blazek, Václav (1998) : Nubian numerals in the Nilo-Saharan context
[2839]   Bonnet, Charles (Ed) (1992) : Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève - actes du 7ème congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3-8 septembre 1990
[3343]   Browne, Gerald M. (1981) : Griffith’s Old Nubian lectionary
[3344]   Browne, Gerald M. (1982) : Griffith’s Old Nubian lectionary
[3345]   Browne, Gerald M. (1988) : Studies in Old Nubian
[3346]   Browne, Gerald M. (1997) : Old Nubian dictionary
[3347]   Browne, Gerald M. (2002) : Grammar of Old Nubian
[6907]   Frend, W. H. C. (1972) : Coptic, Greek and Nubian at Q’asr Ibrim
[22579]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1968) : Nubian language and writing
[8531]   Heine, Bernd (Ed) (1982) : The Nubi language of Kibera, an Arabic creole: grammatical sketch and vocabulary
[24060]   Hofman, Inge (1983) : Einführung in den nubischen Kenzi Dialekt
[8970]   Hofmann, Inge (1986) : Nubisches Wörterverzeichnis: nubisch-deutsches und deutsch-nubisches Wörterverzeichnis nach dem Kenzi-Material des Samuêl Alî Hisên (1863-1927)
[8971]   Hofmann, Inge (1987) : Leo Reinisch und das Nubische
[8983]   Hohenwart-Gerlachstein, Anna (1979) : Nubienforshungen: Dorf- und Sprachstudien in der Fadídja-Zone
[9032]   Homburger, Lilias (1931) : La morphologie nubienne et l’égyptienne
[24966]   Jakobi, Angelika (2006) : The Loss of Syllable-Final Proto-Nubian Consonants
[26563]   Jakobi, Angelika (2013) : Nubian kinship terms
[27416]   Jakobi, Angelika & El-Shafie El-Guzuuli (2016) : Heterosemy of case markers and clause-linkers in Andaandi (Nile Nubian)
[10541]   Kauczor, P. Daniel (1930) : Bergnubische Wörterverzeichnis
[10574]   Kaye, Alan S. (1991) : Nilo-Saharan influence on Ki-Nubi
[10709]   Khalil, Mokhtar M. (1996) : Wörterbuch der nubischen Sprache (Fadidja/Mahas-Dialekt)
[28114]   Kihm, Alain (2018) : Le syntagme nominal en kriyol de Guinée-Bissau et en kinubi: comparaison morphosyntaxique et sémantico-pragmatique
[12210]   Little, Greta D. (1969) : Lexical similarities in Ethiopic and Nubian languages
[12445]   Luffin, Xavier (2002) : Language taboos in Kinubi: a comparison with Sudanese and Swahili cultures
[12447]   Luffin, Xavier (2005) : Un créole arabe: le kinubi de Mombasa, Kenya
[26638]   Łajtar, Adam (2014) : Old Nubian Texts from Gebel Adda in the Royal Ontario Museum
[12611]   MacMichael, Harold Alfred (1918) : Nubian elements on Darfur
[13799]   Miller, Catherine (1993) : Restructuration morphosyntaxique en Juba-Arabic et Ki-Nubi: à propos du débat universaux/substrat et superstrat dans les études créoles
[13817]   Millet, Nicholas B. (1966) : Some notes on the linguistic background of modern Nubian
[14598]   Murray, G. W. (1921) : The Nubian and Bari languages compared
[14600]   Murray, G. W. (1923) : English-Nubian comparative dictionary
[15102]   Nhial, Abdon Agaw Jok (1975) : Ki-Nubi and Arabic: a comparative study
[26654]   Ochała, Grzegorz & Giovanni Ruffini (2015) : Nubische Berichtigungsliste (1)
[16077]   Owens, Jonathan (1977) : Aspects of Nubi grammar
[16084]   Owens, Jonathan (1985) : The origins of East African Nubi
[16089]   Owens, Jonathan (1990) : East African Nubi: bioprogram vs inheritance
[16091]   Owens, Jonathan (1991) : Nubi, genetic linguistics and language classification
[16258]   Pasch, Helma & Robin E. W. Thelwall (1987) : Losses and innovations in Nubi
[17462]   Rouchdy, Aleya (1989) : ‘Persistence’ or ‘tip’ in Egyptian Nubian
[17463]   Rouchdy, Aleya (1989) : Urban and non-urban Egyptian Nubian: is there a reduction in language skills?
[17464]   Rouchdy, Aleya (Ed) (1991) : Nubians and the Nubians language in contemporary Egypt: a case of cultural and linguistic contact
[17533]   Roy (19--) : [Comparative work on Nilotic and Nubian]
[26640]   Ruffini, Giovanni (2014) : Idiom and Social Practice in Medieval Nubia
[17716]   Sakran, Tindil (1979) : On the phonology of the Kwashi dialect of Dilling Nubian
[18851]   Spaulding, Arcangelo (1975) : Carradori’s dictionary of seventeenth century Kenzi Nubian
[23663]   Stricker, B. H. (1940) : A study in Medieval Nubian
[19550]   Thelwall, Robin E. W. (1978) : Lexicostatistical relations between Nubian, Daju and Dinka
[19553]   Thelwall, Robin E. W. (1982) : Linguistic aspects of greater Nubian history
[19555]   Thelwall, Robin E. W. (1983) : Meidob Nubian: phonology, grammatical notes and basic vocabulary
[20072]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1984) : Maltese and Nubi: two ‘Fringe Semitic’ languages
[26641]   van Gerven Oei, Vincent (2015) : Old Nubian Relative Clauses
[26637]   van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J. (2014) : Remarks toward a Revised Grammar of Old Nubian
[29120]   van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J. (2022) : A new set of subject markers in Old Nubian
[20580]   Vycichl, Werner (1961) : Berber words in Nubian
[26634]   Weber, Kerstin & Petra Weschenfelder (2014) : Reflections on Old Nubian Grammar
[20838]   Wellens, Inneke Hilda Werner (2003) : An Arabic creole in Africa: the Nubi language of Uganda
[20908]   Werner, Roland (1987) : Grammatik des Nobiin (Nilnubisch): Phonologie, Tonologie und Morphologie
[21777]   Zetterstéen, K. V. (1931) : Nubiska språket [The Nubian language]
[21934]   Zyhlarz, Ernst (1928) : Grundzüge der nubischen Grammatik im christichen Frühmittelalter (Altnubisch): Grammatik, Texte, Kommentar und Glossar
[21935]   Zyhlarz, Ernst (1928) : Zur Stellung des Darfur-Nubischen
[21939]   Zyhlarz, Ernst (1932) : Neue Sprachdenkmäler des Altnubischen
[21945]   Zyhlarz, Ernst (1945/50) : Die Lautverschiebungen des Nubischen