3 langues concernées

5 titres trouvés

[26168]   Gould, Isaac (2012) : Spatial Absence in Lamnso': A Preliminary Description of the Absentive Morpheme siiy
[27971]   Grebe, Karl & Patrick Siiyatan (2015) : Lamnso’-English Dictionary - Ŋgwà’ Nsàv
[26170]   Moghaddam, Safieh (2012) : Focus Constructions in Lamnso'
[23533]   Trudell, Barbara Louise (2005) : The power of the local: education choices and language maintenance among the Bafut, Kom and Nso’ communities of north west Cameroon
[26135]   Yuka, Lendzemo Constantine (2008) : Lexical Computation: The Case of Lamnso’ Personal Names