231 langues concernées

32 titres trouvés

[1206]   Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Sociolinguistic language survey of Ngwe (Fontem, Alou and Wabane Subdivisions, Lebialem Division, South West Province)
[2513]   Blanchon, Jean Alain (1991) : Le pounou (B43), le mpongwè (B11a) et l’hypothèse fortis/lenis
[2522]   Blanchon, Jean Alain (1999) : Douze études sur les langues du Gabon et du Congo-Brazzaville
[5823]   Dunstan, Elizabeth (1963) : Conjugation in Ngwe
[5824]   Dunstan, Elizabeth (1964) : Towards a phonology of Ngwe
[5825]   Dunstan, Elizabeth (1966) : Tone in disyllabic nouns in Ngwe
[5826]   Dunstan, Elizabeth (1966) : Tone and concord systems in Ngwe nominals
[6556]   Ferrão, Domingos (1970) : Grammatica cinyungwe
[6557]   Ferrão, Domingos (1970) : Curso de cinyungwe - ‘Método progressivo’
[6609]   Filimão, Estevão & John H. Heins (1989) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Cinyungwe
[10260]   Kakeya, Makoto & Toshisada Nishida (1976) : A glossary of Sitongwe
[11165]   Kotarska, Anna (2001) : A sociolinguistic survey of the Tongwe language community, Kigoma district, Kigoma region, Tanzania
[11334]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1966) : Ga, Adangwe and Ewe (Lomé)
[28048]   Langa da Câmara, Crisófia (2018) : A selecção do vP cause em Nyungwe: uma análise à luz de Pylkkänen
[12578]   Macalane, Geraldo , Jorge José Taborda Rodrigues Coelho , José Vicente Bisque & Marcelo Soverano (2000) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Cinuyngwe
[13103]   Martins, Manuel dos Anjos (1991) : Elementos da língua nyungwe: gramática e dicionário (nyungwe-português-nyungwe)
[13300]   Mba, Gabriel & Justine Atemajong Njika (2003) : Verbal extensions in Nngwe
[13879]   Mkokagu, J. D. (1991) : Tone and accent in Kisongwe
[14254]   Mouguiama-Daouda, Patrick (1988) : Éléments de description du mpongwè: phonologie, morphologie du système nominal et pronominal
[14255]   Mouguiama-Daouda, Patrick (1990) : Esquisse d’une phonologie diachronique du mpongwè (B10)
[15219]   Nishida, Toshisada (1975) : Sitongwe-Latin dictionary of plants
[15220]   Nishida, Toshisada & Shigeo Uehara (1981) : Kitongwe names of plants: a preliminary listing
[15698]   Ogouamba, P. A. (1990) : Étude morpho-syntaxique du verbe en mpongwé, parler B11 du Gabon
[16284]   Paulian, Christiane (1994) : Nasales et nasalisation en ngùngwèl, langue bantu du Congo
[17050]   Raponda Walker, [Abbé] André (1934) : Dictionnaire mpongwe-français
[17053]   Raponda Walker, [Abbé] André (1937) : Initiation a l’ebongwe (langage des négrilles)
[17055]   Raponda Walker, [Abbé] André (1937/96) : Éléments de grammaire ébongwé (langue des pygmées)
[17617]   Rurangwa, I. M. (1982) : Éléments de description du ngungwel, langue bantoue du Congo
[18440]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[26221]   Van der Veen, Lolke (2011) : Projet ALGAB (Atlas Linguistique du Gabon)
[21225]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[25446]   Wilson, John Leighton (1849) : Comparative Vocabularies of Some of the Principal Negro Dialects of Africa