7 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[424] Aklilu Yilma (1990) : Two phonological processes in Nayi: palatalization and labialization
[429] Aklilu Yilma (1994) : A sketch of the Nayi grammar
[430] Aklilu Yilma (1994) : [On Kefa Zone: Nayi (Nao)]
[437] Aklilu Yilma (2001) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the Nayi language of Ethiopia
[27087] Aklilu Yilma (2003) : Comparative Phonology of the Maji Languages
[434] Aklilu Yilma, & Ralph Siebert (1995) : Survey of Chara, Dime, Melo and Nayi
[444] Aklilu Yilma, & Ralph Siebert (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the Chara, Dime, Melo and Nayi languages of Ethiopia
[6635] Firehiwat Takele (2001) : The noun phrase in Nayi