58 langues concernées
39 titres trouvés
[22270] [Anonymous] (1980) : A Mende orthography workshop - held during January 21-25, 1980
[22305] [Anonymous] (1984) : Revised Kono, Krio, Limba, Mende and Themne orthographies - workshop held during April 24-27, 1984
[323] Aginsky, Ethel Gertrude (1935) : A grammar of the Mende language
[3327] Brown, S. (1958) : A Mende grammar with tones
[4200] Clarke, W. R. E. (1941) : Mende phrase book
[4644] Cowper, Elizabeth & Keren Rice (1985) : The destruction of tonal structure in Mende
[4758] Crosby, K. H. (1939) : A study of the Mende language
[4759] Crosby, K. H. (1944) : An introduction to the study of Mende
[4894] Dalby, David (1967) : A survey of the indigenous scripts of Liberia and Sierra Leone: Vai, Mende, Loma, Kpelle and Bassa
[5854] Dwyer, David J. (1971) : Mende tone
[5858] Dwyer, David J. (1978) : What sort of tone language is Mende?
[5859] Dwyer, David J. (1978) : Idiosyncratic suprasegmental processes in Mende
[5865] Dwyer, David J. (1985) : A segmental, automelodic view of Mende tone
[23234] Dwyer, David J. (2005) : The Mende problem
[5923] Eberl-Elber, R. (1937) : Zum konsonantischen Anlautwechsel in der Sprachengruppe Gbande-Loma-Mende
[5924] Eberl-Elber, R. (1937) : Zum konsonantischen Anlautwechsel in der Sprachengruppe Gbande-Loma-Mende
[6918] Friedrich, Johannes (1938) : Die Silbenschrift des Mende-Nejus Kisami Kamara
[8052] Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1961) : Notes on the early study of some West African languages (Susu, Bullom/Sherbro, Temne, Mende, Vai and Yoruba)
[8054] Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1962) : A bibliography of the Mende language
[23497] Hunter, Linda & Matthew Joko Sengova (1979) : Spoken Mende: conversations and paradigms
[9606] Innes, Gordon (1962) : A Mende grammar
[9608] Innes, Gordon (1963) : The structure of sentences in Mende
[9611] Innes, Gordon (1966) : A note on Mende and Kono personal names
[9613] Innes, Gordon (1967) : A practical introduction to Mende
[9615] Innes, Gordon (1967) : Mende in the ‘Polyglotta Africana’
[9616] Innes, Gordon (1969) : A Mende-English dictionary
[24525] Innes, Gordon (1980 [1975]) : Mende
[11356] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1980) : West African language data sheets 2
[12899] Manessy, Gabriel (1964) : L’alternance consonantique initiale en manya, kpelle, loma, bandi et mende
[12900] Manessy, Gabriel (1964) : Remarques sur la formation du pluriel en bandi, loma, mende et kpelle
[13746] Michell, H. (1927) : Notes on the Mende language and customs
[13849] Mitchell, P. K. (1968) : A note on the distribution in Sierra Leone of literacy in Arabic, Mende and Temne
[24596] Rodewald, Michael Kenneth (1989) : A Grammar of Bandi and Mende Tone
[18333] Sengova, Matthew Joko (1981) : A classification of tense, aspect and time specification in the verb system of Mende
[18854] Spears, Richard A. (1967) : Tone in Mende
[18855] Spears, Richard A. (1971) : Mende, Loko and Maninka tonal correspondences
[25033] Spears, Richard A. (1970) : Mende and Maninka tonal correspondences
[19239] Sumner, A. T. (19--) : Grammar for beginners (Mende)
[19242] Sumner, A. T. (1922) : Names of diseases in Mende