2 langues concernées
7 titres trouvés
[5831] Dunstan, Elizabeth (1971) : Noun class systems in Mbam-Nkam
[6136] Elias, Philip & Jan Voorhoeve (1981) : How arbitrary are Mbam-Nkam correspondences? Alveolar reflexes of initial *B in Mbam-Nkam
[6138] Elias, Philip , Jacqueline [Warnier] Leroy & Jan Voorhoeve (1984) : Mbam-Nkam or Eastern Grassfields
[9442] Hyman, Larry Michael & Maurice Tadadjeu (1976) : Floating tones in Mbam-Nkam
[28746] Philippson, Gérard (2022) : Proto-Bantu *k and *g in the Mbam languages: A problem in classification
[20489] Voorhoeve, Jan (1971) : The linguistic unit Mbam-Nkam (Bamileke, Bamun and other related languages)
[20491] Voorhoeve, Jan (Ed) (1971) : The Mbam-Nkam languages