171 langues concernées
33 titres trouvés
[2166] Bennett, Patrick R. (1983) : Adamawa-Eastern: problems and prospects
[23084] Bilal, Clement Murba Wau (2004) : The Adamawa-Ubangi languages in Sudan
[3040] Boyd, Raymond (1974) : Étude comparative dans le groupe adamawa
[3048] Boyd, Raymond (1989) : Adamawa-Ubangi
[3050] Boyd, Raymond (1989) : Number systems in the Adamawa branch of Niger-Congo
[23977] Boyd, Raymond (1988) : Les langues Adamawa
[1824] Boyeldieu, Pascal (2004) : Les pronoms logophoriques dans les langues d’Afrique centrale
[24917] Elders, Stefan (2006) : Issues in comparative Kebi-Benue (Adamawa)
[25793] Girei, Abubakar Umar (2009) : Hausa loanwords in Adamawa Fulfulde: A question of prestige or sociolinguistic necessity
[7433] Gottschligg, Peter (1998) : Nominale Formen im Adamawa-Ful
[8034] Hagège, Claude [André] (1981) : Les langues de l’Adamawa et leur classification
[10083] Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1980) : Kontakte zwischen Adamawa-Ubangi und Tschad-Sprachen: zur Übertragung grammatischer Systeme
[10093] Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1981) : Über die Mawa (Guera, Tchad): ethnographische und linguistische Notizen
[10954] Kleinewillinghöfer, Ulrich (1995) : Don’t use the name of my dead father: a reason for lexical change in some northwestern Adamawa languages (northeastern Nigeria)
[10955] Kleinewillinghöfer, Ulrich (1996) : Relationship between Adamawa and Gur languages: the case of Waja and Tula
[10956] Kleinewillinghöfer, Ulrich (1996) : Die nordwestlichen Adamawa-Sprachen: eine Übersicht
[27770] Kleinewillinghofer, Ulrich (2020) : Adamawa
[27965] Kleinewillinghöfer, Ulrich (2018) : The northern fringe of the Jos Plateau, a prehistorical contact zone of Benue-Plateau and Adamawa-Gur languages – The evidence of the cultural vocabulary
[27959] Kramer, Raija & Roland Kießling (2018) : Introduction – Current Approaches to Adamawa and Gur Languages
[27958] Kramer, Raija & Roland Kießling. (2018) : Current Approaches to Adamawa and Gur Languages - To the Honour of Raimund Kastenholz
[11514] Lacroix, Pierre-Francis (1967) : Quelques aspects de la désintégration d’un système classificatoire (peul du sud de l’Adamawa)
[11520] Lacroix, Pierre-Francis (1972) : La division du temps chez les peuls de l’Adamawa
[25620] Markgraf, Holger W. (2011) : Von seriellen Verben und Auxiliaren Die Grammatikalisierung von Bewegungsverben in Adamawa-Sprachen
[16323] Pelletier, Corinne A. & A. Neil Skinner (1981) : Adamawa Fulfulde: an introductory course
[26517] Roberts, James (2013) : The tone system of Mawa
[25829] Roberts, James S. (2009) : Palatalization and Labialization in Mawa (Eastern Chadic)
[17751] Samarin, William John (1971) : Adamawa-Eastern
[18440] Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[18990] Stennes, Leslie H. (1967) : A reference grammar of Adamawa Fulani
[19425] Taylor, Frank William (1921) : A first grammar of the Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language (Fulfulde)
[19433] Taylor, Frank William (1953) : Grammar of the Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language
[21225] Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[28747] Zheltov, Alexander (2022) : Towards the phenomenon of morphemic and submorphemic neutralization: The case of personal pronouns in some Adamawa languages