52 langues concernées

12 titres trouvés

[22038]   [Anonymous] (1927) : Éléments de la grammaire mangala de l’Uelé, suivis d’un vocabulaire
[25370]   Blench, Roger M. (2003) : Why Reconstructing Ron is so Problematic
[3448]   Bulakarima, Shettina Umara (1991) : Feature variation between Manga and the central dialect of Kanuri
[3637]   Cambron, (1---) : Vocabulaire bamanga/bengamisa
[24553]   Caron, Bernard (2002) : Notes de terrains sur les langues sud-Bauchi
[3811]   Carrington, John F. (1949) : Esquisse de la langue mba (kimanga)
[25269]   Jarrett, Kevin (2007) : A dictionary of Manga, a Kanuri language of Eastern Niger and NE Nigeria
[10675]   Kerken, Georges van der (19--) : Vocabulaire bamanga
[27554]   Kleinewillinghöfer, Ulrich (2015) : Bikwin-Jen - Comparative Wordlist (Swadesh 100)
[13776]   Migeod, Frederick William Hugh (1924) : The language of the Manga
[17837]   Santandrea, Stefano (1950) : Indri-Togoyo-Ndogo-Feroge-Mangaya-Mondu: comparative linguistics
[21612]   Young, T. Cullen (1932) : Notes on the speech of the Tumbuka-Kamanga peoples in the northern province of Nyasaland