2 langues concernées

15 titres trouvés

[22432]   Bennett, Michael Eric (1986) : Aspects of the simple clause in Malagasy: a stratificational approach
[2195]   Berchem, Jörg (1989/90) : Sprachbeziehungen im Bereich des Kulturwortschatzes zwischen den Bantusprachen und dem Malagasy
[2445]   Birkeli, Emil (1---) : Bausi, Malagasy, Bisa and Lala
[4875]   Dahl, Otto Christian (1989) : Bantu substratum in Malagasy
[10632]   Keenan, Edward L. & Cecile Marie-Agne Manorohanta (2001) : A quantitative study of voice in Malagasy
[10631]   Keenan, Edward L. & Jean Paulin Razafimamonjy (2001) : Reciprocals in Malagasy
[11137]   Korneev, Lev A. & Frederik Rakotoson (1966) : Mal’gassko-russkij slovarj/Malagasy-rosiana
[11591]   Lambek, Michael Joshua (1980) : The kinship terminology of Malagasy speakers in Mayotte
[12718]   Mahdi, Waruno (1988) : Morphophonologische Besonderheiten und historische Phonologie des Malagasy
[15289]   Nomura, Masuhiro (1995) : A descriptive note on Malagasy verbal complementation and the binding hierarchy, with special reference to the occurence of the complementizer fa
[16279]   Paul, Ileana M. (2000) : Malagasy clause structure
[16313]   Pearson, Matthew (2001) : T-marking on Malagasy obliques: tense, aspect, and the position of PPs
[17034]   Randriamasimanana, Charles (1981) : A study of the causative constructions of Malagasy
[22431]   Randriamasimanana, Charles (1986) : The causatives of Malagasy
[20346]   Vérin, Pierre , Conrad Phillip Kottak & Peter Gorlin (1969) : The glottochronology of Malagasy speech communities