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8 titres trouvés
[12137] Lewis, Scott (2003) : Mbugu/Ma’a project
[14275] Mous, Maarten (1994) : Ma’a or Mbugu
[14276] Mous, Maarten (1996) : Was there ever a southern Cushitic language (pre-) Ma’a?
[14280] Mous, Maarten (2001) : Ma’a as an ethno-register of Mbugu
[14285] Mous, Maarten (2003) : The linguistic properties of lexical manipulation and its relevance for Ma’a
[14286] Mous, Maarten (2004) : The making of a mixed language: the case of Ma’a/Mbugu
[19619] Thomason, Sarah Grey (1983) : Genetic relationships and the case of Ma’a (Mbugu)
[19621] Thomason, Sarah Grey (1997) : Ma’a (Mbugu)