Une seule langue concernée

7 titres trouvés

[10324]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1969) : Lwo instructions
[10325]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1971) : Lwo instructions
[12834]   Malandra, Alfred (1956) : English-Lwoo (Acholi) dictionary
[12835]   Malandra, Alfred (1957) : English-Lwoo dictionary
[17136]   Reh, Mechthild (2000) : Migration, polygamy and interethnic marriage as causes of language birth: the southern Lwoo languages
[17917]   Savage, G. A. R. (1956) : The essentials of Lwo (Acoli)
[19160]   Storch, Anne (2003) : Dynamics of interacting populations: language contact in the Lwoo languages of Bahr el-Ghazal