6 langues concernées

112 titres trouvés

[22031]   [Anonymous] (1926) : Grammar sy’oluganda
[22089]   [Anonymous] (1947) : Standard Luganda rules of spelling: summary [...] according to the 1947 orthrography conference
[22093]   [Anonymous] (1948) : The majority and minority report of the Luganda Orthography Committee 1947
[1072]   Ashton, Ethel O. (1937) : The e and o of Luganda and the o of Swahili
[1076]   Ashton, Ethel O. , Enoch M. K. Mulira , E. G. M. Ndawula & Archibald Norman Tucker (1954) : A Luganda grammar
[2491]   Blackledge, [Reverend] George Robert (1921) : A Luganda-English and English-Luganda vocabulary
[28837]   Bochnak, M. Ryan (2018) : Two-place exceed comparatives in Luganda
[28838]   Bochnak, M. Ryan & Peter Klecha (2018) : Temporal remoteness and vagueness in past time reference in Luganda
[2882]   Borowsky, Toni (1983) : Geminate consonants in Luganda
[2883]   Borowsky, Toni (1983) : On glide insertion in Luganda
[26922]   Bukenya, Augustin & Leonard Kamoga (2009) : Standard Luganda - English Dictionary
[3915]   Cernicenko, A. S. (1969) : Soglasovatel’nye modeli i sistema imenych klassov v jazyke Luganda [Congruence model and system of nominal classes in Luganda]
[3916]   Cernicenko, A. S. (1969) : Klassy v jazyke Luganda [Classes in the Luganda language]
[4041]   Chesswas, John Douglas (1954) : The essentials of Luganda
[4042]   Chesswas, John Douglas (1959) : The essentials of Luganda
[4043]   Chesswas, John Douglas (1963) : The essentials of Luganda
[4044]   Chesswas, John Douglas (1967) : The essentials of Luganda
[4224]   Clements, George N. (1978) : Syllable and mora in Luganda
[4227]   Clements, George N. (1981) : An outline of Luganda syllable structure
[4233]   Clements, George N. (1986) : Compensatory lengthening and consonant gemination in Luganda
[4498]   Cook, Albert R. (1921) : A medical vocabulary in Luganda
[4659]   Crabtree, William Arthur (1923) : Elements of Luganda grammar, together with exercises and vocabulary
[5247]   Dewees, John W. (1971) : The role of syntax in the occurence of the initial vowel in Luganda and some other Bantu languages
[26039]   Ferrari-Bridgers, Franca (2009) : Luganda verb morphology: a new analysis of the suffixes [-YE] and [-A] and their distribution across the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods
[26199]   Ferrari-Bridgers, Franca (2009) : A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Final Vowels [i] and [a] in Luganda Deverbal Nouns
[8325]   Hattersley, Charles W. & Henry Wright Duta (1921) : Luganda phrases and idioms
[8771]   Hérault, Georges (1997) : Syllabic genesis and Luganda phonology
[8624]   Herbert, Robert K. (1974) : Selected topics in the phonology and acoustic structure of Luganda
[8625]   Herbert, Robert K. (1974) : ‘Seven will give you five’ - Luganda vowels
[8629]   Herbert, Robert K. (1975/76) : A reanalysis of Luganda vowels
[9154]   Hubbard, Kathleen (1995) : Prenasalized consonants and syllable timing: evidence from Runyambo and Luganda
[9460]   Hyman, Larry Michael (1981) : An autosegmental accentual account of Luganda tone
[9466]   Hyman, Larry Michael (1982) : Globality and the accentual analysis of Luganda tone
[9478]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1990) : Spurious high-tone extension in Luganda
[9479]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1990) : Final vowel shortening in Luganda
[9481]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1990) : The augment in Luganda tonology
[9482]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1990/91) : The augment as an inflectional category in Luganda grammar
[9489]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1993) : A new approach to tone in Luganda
[9492]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1993) : The augment in Luganda: syntax or pragmatics?
[9473]   Hyman, Larry Michael , Francis X. Katamba & Livingstone Walusimbi (1987) : Luganda and the strict layer hypothesis
[9923]   Johnson, Marion Rose (1974) : Abstract analysis and Bantu reconstruction: a Luganda example
[10226]   Kaggwa, Ahmed (1992) : Landwirtschaftliches Wörterbuch: Luganda-Deutsch
[10263]   Kalema, John (1974) : Luganda phonology and morphology
[10264]   Kalema, John (1977) : The irrelevance of tone class D in Luganda (with comments by Desmond T. Cole)
[10265]   Kalema, John (1977) : Accent modification rules in Luganda
[10266]   Kalema, John (1982) : The tonal behaviour of morphemes in different strata in Luganda
[10322]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (19--) : Luganda elementary course
[23645]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1969) : Luganda continuation
[10323]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi & Earl W. Stevick (1968) : Luganda basic course
[10511]   Katamba, Francis X. (1974) : Aspects of the grammar of Luganda
[10512]   Katamba, Francis X. (1977) : On meta-ruling in phonology (Luganda)
[10514]   Katamba, Francis X. (1984) : A nonlinear analysis of vowel harmony in Luganda
[10515]   Katamba, Francis X. (1985) : A non-linear account of the syllable in Luganda
[10516]   Katamba, Francis X. & Franz Rottland (1987) : Syllable structure and English loan-words in Luganda
[10518]   Katamba, Francis X. & Larry Michael Hyman (1991) : Nasality and morpheme structure constraints in Luganda
[29098]   Kawalya, Deo (2023) : The structure and semantics of the Luganda near-synonym evidential particles nti and mbu
[10551]   Kawoya, Vin. F. K. (1966) : Yiga kiswahili/Jifunze luganda
[22524]   Kawoya, Vin. F. K. (1981) : Yiga kiswahili/Jifunze luganda
[10801]   Kiingi, Kibuuka Balubuliza (1985) : Scientific modernization of a Bantu language: Luganda
[10802]   Kiingi, Kibuuka Balubuliza (1989) : A systematic approach to the problem of the expressional modernisation in the formal and natural sciences: the case of Luganda
[10881]   Kirwan, Brian Edmond Renshaw & P. A. Gore (1951) : Elementary Luganda
[10920]   Kisubika-Musoke, E. M. (1986) : Tense formation in Luganda, and some problems related to learning English
[10922]   Kitching, Arthur Leonard & [Reverend] George Robert Blackledge (1925) : A Luganda-English and English-Luganda dictionary
[10931]   Kiwanuka, J. L. & A. Bengtsson (1995) : Enkuluze y’oluganda-luswidi/Lugandisk-svensk ordbok
[10930]   Kiwanuka, J. L. & G. Wiberg (1992) : Svensk-lugandisk ordbok/Enkuluze y’oluswidi-luganda
[12217]   Livinhac, Leon (1921) : Grammaire luganda
[12795]   Mair, Lucy P. (1935) : Linguistics without sociology: some notes on the standard Luganda dictionary
[25576]   Marten, Lutz (2012) : Agreement in locative phrases in Luganda
[13209]   Matovu, Catherine Nakibuuka (1992) : A synchronic description of Lusoga in terms of its relatedness to Luganda
[13210]   Matovu, Kasalina Byangwa N. & others (1994) : Luganda self-instructing learner’s manual
[25242]   McPherson, Laura (2008) : A descriptive and theoretical account of Luganda verbal morphology
[26201]   McPherson, Laura & Mary Paster (2009) : Evidence for the Mirror Principle and Morphological Templates in Luganda Affix Ordering
[13525]   Meeuwis, Michael (1999) : The White Fathers and Luganda: to the origins of French missionary linguistics in the Lake Victoria region
[14147]   Morris, Edward G. & Ronald A. Snoxall (1930) : A Luganda-Swahili handbook
[14181]   Mosha, M. (1971) : Loan-words in Luganda: a search for guides in the adaption of African languages to modern conditions
[14257]   Mould, Martin [Joel] (1971) : The agreement of nominal predicates in Luganda
[14260]   Mould, Martin [Joel] (1974) : The origin of consonant gemination in Luganda
[14261]   Mould, Martin [Joel] (1974) : The syntax and semantics of the initial vowel in Luganda
[14265]   Mould, Martin [Joel] (1977) : On the productivity of derivational morphology and lexical representations: manner adverbs in Luganda
[14472]   Mugisha, Vincent M. (1998) : Eine komparatistische Untersuchung von Vergleichen uns Metaphoren, ihrer Konzeption und ihrem Gebrauch in westgermanischen Sprachen (Deutsch und English) und Bantuspachen Ugandas (Runyoro und Luganda)
[14548]   Mulira, Enoch M. K. (1946) : The language that suffers (Luganda orthography)
[14551]   Mulira, Enoch M. K. (1952) : Verb tone classes in Luganda
[14552]   Mulira, Enoch M. K. (1952) : Luganda lessons
[14550]   Mulira, Enoch M. K. & E. G. M. Ndawula (1952) : A Luganda-English, English-Luganda dictionary
[14593]   Murphy, John D. (1972) : Luganda-English dictionary
[27375]   Myers, Scott (2015) : An acoustic study of Luganda liquid allophones
[28360]   Myers, Scott , Elisabeth Selkirk & Yelena Fainleib (2018) : Phonetic implementation of high-tone spans in Luganda
[14845]   Nanfuka, Margaret (1995) : Luganda-English phrase book for tourists
[15319]   Nosova, O. P. (1972) : O lokative v Luganda [Locatives in Luganda]
[15318]   Nosova, O. P. & Irina Paolovna Yakovleva (1969) : Kratkij luganda-russkij i russko-luganda slovar’/Dikisonale entono luganda-lurassa n’olurassa-luganda
[15364]   Nsimbi, Michael B. (1980) : Luganda names, clans and totems
[15363]   Nsimbi, Michael B. & John Douglas Chesswas (1958) : An explanation of the standard orthography of Luganda
[16625]   Pollnack, Richard Bryant (1972) : Variation in the cognition of Luganda color terminology
[28267]   Ranero, Rodrigo (2019) : Deriving an object dislocation asymmetry in Luganda
[17137]   Reh, Mechthild (2002) : Multilingual reading and writing practices in Uganda among Lango/Ateso and Luganda speakers
[17329]   Rodgers, Jonathan (1962) : Transformational approach to the Luganda verb
[17530]   Rowling, F. (1921) : Guide to Luganda prose composition
[17673]   Sabbadini, Ettore (1958) : Considerazioni sulle lingue Massai e Luganda [A Luganda grammar, da Ethel O. Ashton, E. M. K. Mulira, E. G. M. Ndawula & A. N. Tucker]
[18744]   Snoxall, Ronald A. (1965) : Some problems and principles of lexicography in Luganda
[18745]   Snoxall, Ronald A. (1967) : Luganda-English dictionary
[24704]   Ssekiryango, Jackson (2006) : Observations on Double Object Construction in Luganda
[18900]   Sseruwagi, Januarius (2001) : Die Luganda-Sprache: eine praktische Einführung
[29147]   Sternefeld, Leah & Sseguya Francis Nickshere (2015) : Luganda-English Dictionary
[19032]   Stevick, Earl W. & Fred[erick] Katabazi Kamoga (1970) : Luganda pretraining program
[22663]   Tasch, Meike Sprenger (2003) : Attitudes towards Luganda, Kiswahili, English, and mother tongue as media of instruction in Uganda
[20042]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1962) : The syllable in Luganda: a prosodic approach
[27040]   van der Wal, SaudahJenneke & Namyalo (2017) : The interaction of two focus marking strategies in Luganda
[20671]   Walusimbi, Livingstone (1976) : Relativization and focusing in Luganda and Bantu
[20672]   Walusimbi, Livingstone (1997) : Relative clauses in Luganda
[20670]   Walusimbi, Livingstone & Talmy Givón (1970) : Conjoined and stacked restrictive relative clauses: deep and not-so-deep constraints in light of Luganda data
[21330]   Wiltshire, Caroline R. (1999) : The conspiracy of Luganda compensatory lengthening
[21454]   Wolters, P. A. (1921) : Grammaire luganda