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8 titres trouvés

[403]   AkinlabĂ­, Akinbiyi M. & Alexander U. Iwara (2004) : Transparency and opacity in Lokaa vowel harmony
[23511]   Baker, Mark C. (2005) : On verb-initial and verb-final word orders in Lokaa
[9665]   Iwaara, (1991) : The tense system of Lokaa
[9668]   Iwara, Alexander U. (1990) : A phonemic analysis of long vocoids and phonetic diphtongs in Lokaa
[9669]   Iwara, Alexander U. (1995) : Some elements of Lokaa phonology revisited
[9670]   Iwara, Alexander U. (2004) : The grammatical functions of tone in Lokaa
[22774]   Iwara, Alexander U. (1982) : Phonology and grammar of Lokaa: a preliminary study
[23764]   Iwara, Alexander U. (1994) : The vowel harmony system of Lokaa