49 langues concernées
46 titres trouvés
[22262] [Anonymous] (1979) : Langues kru: 1ère colloque international
[179] Adams, Sarah (1965) : An observation of English and Kru phonology
[2272] Bertho, [Révérend] [Père] J. (1950) : La place du dialecte Adiukru par rapport aux autres dialectes de la Côte d’Ivoire
[4206] Claudi, Ulrike (1988) : The development of tense/aspect marking in Kru languages
[24511] Dawson, Keith (1977 [1973]) : Kruman
[5782] Duitsman, John , Jana S. Bertkau & James Laesch (1975) : A survey of Kru dialects
[5781] Duitsman, John , N. Campbell & J. Kwejige (1972) : A survey of Kru dialects
[28478] Egner, Inge (2005) : Applicative marking in Kru
[22948] Egner, Ingeborg (1993) : The role of contextual assumptions in WH-questions containing the particle m in Wee (Kru)
[7733] Grimes, Joseph E. & others (1960) : Several Kru orthographies
[25037] Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1966) : An Introduction to John Clarkeʼs ‘Specimens of Dialects...’, 1848/9
[8105] Hall, G. R. (1928) : Talking by ear: Kru-boy English
[9595] Ingemann, Frances (1972) : Kruan languages in Liberia
[9617] Innes, Gordon (1981) : Les langues kru
[10563] Kaye, Jonathan Derek , Hilda Koopman & Dominique Sportiche (Ed) (1982) : Projet sur les langues kru
[11119] Koopman, Hilda (1983) : The syntax of verbs: from verb movement rules in the Kru languages to universal grammar
[11352] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1977) : West African language data sheets 1
[11542] Lafage, Philippe (1977) : Les langues kru
[11543] Lafage, Suzanne (1982) : Étude sociolinguistique de l’aire kru de Côte d’Ivoire
[12174] Lightfoot, Nancy (1974) : Tones on Kru monosyllables
[12971] Manfredi, Victor B. (1993) : Verb focus in the typology of Kwa/Kru and Haitian
[28272] Marchese Zogbo, Lynell (2019) : Central vowels in the Kru language family: Innovation and areal spreading
[13032] Marchese, Lynell (1979) : Atlas linguistique kru: essai de typologie
[13033] Marchese, Lynell (1979) : Tense/aspect and the development of auxiliaries in Kru languages
[13035] Marchese, Lynell (1983) : Atlas linguistique kru : essai de typologie
[13036] Marchese, Lynell (1983) : Assertive focus and the inherent focus nature of negatives and imperatives: evidence from Kru
[13038] Marchese, Lynell (1984) : Tense innovation in the Kru language family
[13039] Marchese, Lynell (1984) : Atlas linguistique kru : essai de typologie
[13041] Marchese, Lynell (1986) : Tense/aspect and the development of auxiliaries in Kru languages
[13042] Marchese, Lynell (1989) : Kru
[22911] Marchese, Lynell (1982) : Basic aspectual categories in Proto-Kru
[22914] Marchese, Lynell (1984) : Exbraciation in the Kru language family
[22940] Marchese, Lynell (1978) : Le developpement des auxiliaries dans les langues kru
[22943] Marchese, Lynell (1980) : Les types de négation dans la famille kru et une particularité du système godié
[22942] Marchese, Lynell (Ed) (1980) : Communications présentées au premiere colloque international sur les langues kru
[16373] Person, Yvonne (1966) : Des Kru en Haute-Volta (seme ou siamou de Orodara)
[25986] Pichl, Walter J. (sd) : Kru-English Vocabulary
[17250] Rickard, David T. (1970) : Kru grammar: a preliminary study
[18616] Singler, John Victor (1988) : The place of variation in the formal expression of inflectional processes: evidence from Kru Pidgin English
[18619] Singler, John Victor (1990) : The impact of decreolization upon T-M-A: tenselessness, mood and aspect in Kru Pidgin English
[28982] Thalman, Peter (2023) : Kroumen Piè – French Dictionary
[19537] Thalmann, Peter (1989) : Éléments de grammaire kroumen tepo (parler Kru de Côte d’Ivoire)
[20446] Vogler, Pierre (1974) : Le problème linguistique kru: éléments de comparaison
[20447] Vogler, Pierre (1976) : Description synchronique d’un parler kru: le vata
[25791] Vydrin, Valentin (2009) : Areal features in South Mande and Kru languages
[20874] Welmers, William Everrett (1977) : The Kru languages: a progress report