54 langues concernées
20 titres trouvés
[26238] Aunio, L. (2010) : Ikoma nominal tone
[26621] Aunio, Lotta (2013) : Ikoma Verbal Tone
[27523] Aunio, Lotta (2015) : A typological perspective on Bantu nominal tone: the case of Ikoma-Nata-Isenye in western Tanzania
[28572] Aunio, Lotta , Holly Robinson , Tim Roth , Oliver Stegen & John B. Walker (2019) : The Mara languages JE40
[2071] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1983) : Proto-Koman phonology and lexicon
[2073] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1985) : Gumuz, Koman, Mao and Omotic
[28769] Bernander, Rasmus & Antti Laine (2020) : The formation of existential constructions in Western Serengeti: a micro-comparative exploration of variation and change
[3061] Boyeldieu, Pascal (1973) : Phonologie du yakoma
[3062] Boyeldieu, Pascal (1975) : Études yakoma, langue du groupe oubanguien (RCA): morphologie, synthématique
[3087] Boyeldieu, Pascal (1995) : Le yakoma
[24905] Boyeldieu, Pascal (2008) : Logophorique et imminence/immédiateté en yakoma
[3060] Boyeldieu, Pascal , Luc Bouquiaux , Xavier Guinet & Judith Hedger (1973) : Problèmes de phonologie (yakoma, rundi, sungor, wolof)
[3493] Burns, S. J. (1947) : Unpublished notes towards a grammar of the Koma language
[4554] Corfield, F. D. (1938) : The Koma
[27445] Dieu, Michel & Louis Perrois - avec la collaboration d'Henry Tourneux (2016) : Dictionnaire encyclopédique koma gɨ́mbē / français (Monts Alantika, Nord-Cameroun)
[7781] Grottanelli, Vinigi L. (1945) : Acconciatura e vestiario dei koma al confine etiopico-sudanese
[27571] Higgins, Holly Ann (2012) : Ikoma Vowel Harmony: Phonetics and Phonology
[14051] Moñino, Yves (Ed) (1988) : Lexique comparatif des langues oubanguiennes
[28512] Otero, Manuel A. (2020) : A Historical Reconstruction of the Koman Language Family
[28298] Walker, John (2013) : Comparative Tense and Aspect in the Mara Bantu Languages: Towards a Linguistic History